Explore how AI tools like Midjourney can revolutionize your creative process. Learn best practices, trends, and tips to unlock new possibilities in branding, advertising, and personal projects.
A language model converts a text prompt to numeric vectors that the machine will understand. Then, the vectors guide the process of diffusion, which results in image creation. Diffusion means the AI creates a cloud of dots or pixels and gradually removes these pixels while shaping an image acc...
Use modifiers to adjust the style, mood, color, size, shape, or perspective of your image. For example: -cartoonish, -dark, -red, -giant, -round, or -top view. Pro tip Midjourney V6 excels at producing realistic results. For hyper-realism, use the new–style rawparameter. Avoid redun...
Be as precise and descriptive as possible to get the best results. Wait for the AI to generate images: After entering your prompt, give Midjourney a minute to generate your images. The AI will create multiple versions based on your description. Upscale images: If you find an image you ...
Derek Murphy AI, inspiration 3478 Update! Midjourney Version 5 just came out, and it’s more photographic and less artistic. Scroll all the way down for new prompts, V5 examples and a “magic secret word” prompt that unlocks stunning results. What are the best text-to-image prompt keywo...
Dive into the world of AI art with zero risk and discover your creative potential. Support for Multiple Models: Whether it's the realism of V6.1 or the vibrant flair of NIJI, choose the model that best suits your artistic vision. Multi-Functional and Versatile: From text-to-image to ...
Both make great AI-generated images For all that, both DALL·E 3 and Midjourney are capable of creating incredible images. DALL·E 3 is quicker and simpler to use, but you have a lot less control over the results. Midjourney can get complicated quickly, but you have a lot more control...
Discover how to use Midjourney, an AI image generator, through Discord for stunning results. Learn how to sign up, generate images, and create unique prompts.
Midjourneyis a web service that makes stunning AI pictures using words. It’s similar to Stable Diffusion, but there are some differences. Midjourney can only be used on the internet, and you have to pay for it. So, is it worth paying for Midjourney? And how is it different from Stab...
Midjourney, an AI text-to-art generator, has arrived and is open for business. As of this writing, Midjourney’s Discord has over 14 million members. And this artificial intelligence art generator may change the way you create images. Image generated on Midjourney by Jenn Mishra. What Is ...