Discord在邀请Midjourney机器人的时候,报错: Unable to accept invite(无法接受邀请) 因为Midjourney目前,主要还是在Discord里使用。 如果Discord无法邀请Midjourney机器人,最终的结果就是:没法使用Midjourney。 尝试了很多种方法,最后通过使用云服务器的方法解决了。 个人猜测原因:电脑问题(个人电脑缓存太多),国际网络问题...
链接网址为discord.com/invite/midj 2、怎么获得Midjourney账号 方法一 官网付费订阅,可直接跳转到付费网址:midjourney.com/account/ 方法二 某宝共享账号租借,适用于短期学习的友友,不同店铺有不同的链接方法 Midjournry基础操作 (1)图像初步生成 在Midjourney界面最左侧找到Midjourney bot,输入/image prompt,输入...
Now, the Midjourney bot will be added to your selected Discord servers. Option 2: Via Mobile You can also invite the Midjourney bot to a server from Discord mobile. Here’s how to do the same: 1. OpenDiscordand tap onServersat the bottom left corner of the screen. 2. Tap on thePl...
You should see a “Join a Server” popup inviting you to paste in the link to your desired server. Here’s the invite link for Midjourney:http://discord.gg/midjourney Pop that in and hit “Join Server.” 3. Visit A #General Or #Newbie Channel You should now be inside the Midjourne...
How to add Midjourney to my Discord server To add Midjourney to a Discord server you control, go to the Midjourney Bot in the Discord App Directory, and click Add App. Select the server you want to add it to, and click Authorize. For more on configuring the Midjourney Bot on your ...
Method 1: Using Discord Midjourney’s Discord server is where a lot of magic happens. To join their Discord server, go to this link –discord.com/invite/midjourney. When this link opens, you’ll see the Midjourney invite on the screen. To enter its server, type your name and click on...
In the Discord window, locate and open theMidjourney bot. Click theDownward arrownext to Midjourney, and clickLeave Server. Then, press theWindowskey, enter the name of your browser, and hitEnter. In your browser window, navigate toMidjourney’s official websiteto locate theDiscord invite l...
3能够使用postman或者web服务触发discord服务器中的midjourney指令进行生图 4能够获取到discord服务器中的midjourney生图后的结果 完成上述的四件事后,你自己的服务中就会有midjourney生成的产物,至于给谁,可以自己决定。建议使用web登录discord这样可以更好看一些信息 ...
So you'll be prompted either to sign in or to sign up to Discord.Once you've signed in to Discord, you'll be sent an invite to join the Midjourney server. You'll accept the invite in Discord and have access to the server. With access to this server, you can now use the Mid...
服务器获取状态更新和公告 在自己的服务器上关注 Midjourney 的官方 Discord #announcements 和 #status 频道即可了解 Midjourney的最新信息。 邀请朋友加入 在选择的频道channels 中选择 Create Invite,然后将生成的链接发送给朋友加入即可。