格瑞图:Arduino-0014-内置示例-音调旋律 Melody 格瑞图:Arduino-0015-内置示例-音调多播放器 ToneMultiple 格瑞图:Arduino-0016-内置示例-音调声音跟随者 PitchFollower 格瑞图:Arduino-0017-内置示例-模拟输入串口输出 AnalogInOutSerial 格瑞图:Arduino-0018-内置示例-模拟输入 AnalogInput 格瑞图:Arduino-0019-内置示例...
对了, NodeMCU是有5V输出脚的,VU脚(板子较宽的CH340G版>或者VIN脚(板子较窄的CP2102版> 之前阿卡林的群里面说的NODEMCU没有5V输出实际上并不是这样的,所以也就不存在因为NODEMCU没5V而建议买D1 MINI,实际上来说吧D1 MINI倒是很便宜,而且同样基于ESP8266且带串口转USB,我的意见是如果将来打算好好玩ARDUINO,...
Bump arduino/arduino-lint-action from 1 to 2 Oct 8, 2024 docs Expand documentation - show datatypes, document additional function, … Nov 9, 2021 documentation Adding Doxygen documentation May 2, 2016 examples Added example to use buzzer (tone/noTone) for MIDI playback ...
An Android device, withMIDI commanderfrom Bordero, plus a USB MIDI cable, or a 'MVAVE MS1' adapter to send the codes viaBluetooth MIDI. For iOS devices,Mozaicis a great tool to send anything to MIDI devices Custom Arduino orRaspberry PI code ...
If you're interested in building a MIDI synthesizer, the MIDI Shield is quite capable. There is anexamplein the Forty Seven Effects documentation that uses the Arduinotonelibrary as a simple MIDI instrument. We're going to build a little more ambitious system, that allows us to play theMoog...
www.github.com/LenShustek/arduino-playtuneThis original version of Playtune, first released in 2011, uses a separate hardware timer for each note to generate a square wave on an output pin. All the pins are then combined with a simple resistor network connected to a speaker and/or ...
Arduino MIDI Chiptune Synthesizer: Relive the fun of early computer game music with an authentic 8-bit chiptune synthesizer, which you can control over MIDI from the comfort of any modern DAW software. This simple circuit uses an Arduino to drive an AY-3
arduino从入门到创客带师第三弹 之自制音乐盒(编程放音乐) 传统艺能 自制音乐盒 从简易代码到 用NODE JS 扒MID然后用UNO 输出方波正弦波播放8bit风格音乐还记得多年以前咱刚接触图吧福利群的时候20包邮买了个来图定制的音乐盒,当时是个钢琴,面板是定制图片印刷的纯玻璃制的音乐盒,底部有个发条可以用来蓄能,驱动...