Vezér enables control and synchronisation of any MIDI, OSC or DMX enabled environments - realtime video softwares, lighting rigs, etc. - through the use of timeline based automations. Free DownloadDemo for Mac OSX 10.13 - macOS 15.0Buy nowRegister up to 2 different computers!
(redirected fromMIDI sequencer) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Mi·di (mē-dē′) The south of France. MID·I (mĭd′ē)·Is 1.A standard for representing musical information in a digital format. 2.Software that conforms to this standard, used for composing and editing electronic music. ...
cross-platformsequencermidimusic-compositioncompositionaudio-applicationsvstjucemusic-toolsmusic-sequencermicrotonal UpdatedFeb 9, 2025 C++ An advanced singing voice synthesis system with high fidelity, expressiveness, controllability and flexibility based on DiffSinger: Singing Voice Synthesis via Shallow Diffusio...
SEQ sequencer 音序器,定序器 SEQ Stereo equalizer 立体声均衡器 Sequence 排序,序列 Series 系列,串连 Service 维修,服务 Servo 伺服机构,随机系统 Servo motor 伺服马达 SES spatial effect system 立体声空间效果系统 Session 跟随自动伴奏 Set 调整,设定,装置,定位,接收机 Setout 开始,准备 Setup 设定,构成,菜...
MIDI-OX is the world's greatest all-purpose MIDI Utility.
Hydrogenis a drum sequencer. It has its own softsynth built in, so it comes up ready to go. Audio Software Audacity- Sound editor. Also does multi-track recording. Ardour- Digital audio workstation. MIDI Utilities MIDI Monitors A MIDI monitor shows the MIDI messages that are being generated...
The Altura MkII+ is a MIDI controller / sequencer / arpeggiator that emulates a theremin. As you move your hands in the air, the Altura MkII+ transmits MIDI data to your synthesizer to control pitch, volume, velocity, bend, modulation, portamento, and more! Save presets. Program an 8-st...
+ Free software. Why We Liked It - The Arturia KeyStep Controller Sequencer may be compact, but it still packs a big punch. There's so much that you can do with this product it's impossible to list it all. This controller also comes with a bundle of very useful software, which makes...
A midi sequencer, written in Pure Data by the lovely folk at Modular Devices Malleable Audio ( Documentation lives at: pd puredata midi + 1 more 0 0 Updated 1 day...
通过新的“Step Sequencer Clip(步进音序器剪辑)”通过任意你喜爱的插件创建节拍前所未有的轻松,就像在时间轴查看和编辑其它任意剪辑一样。钢琴卷轴编辑器也已经检查并包含了一系列新的功能,比如“Per-note Automation(每个音符自动化)”以及快速的“MIDI Learn”,用以轻松与硬件控制器整合。甚至还有新一代乐器,比如 ...