但引入MIDI实际上也是雅达利出于实用考虑所作出的决定。Commodore公司凭借C-64型个人电脑大获成功,可以说很大程度上是因为其配备了SID(Sound Interface Device音频接口设备)——这是一款当时而言极为先进的音频芯片。顺带一提,Ensoniq公司(其知名产品有Mirage采样合成器)创始人之一鲍勃·扬内斯(Bob Yannes)主导了SID的开...
(b) 他们专注于克服MIDI存在的明显的局限性(并行ACIA(异步通信接口适配器Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter),与存储映射声音发生器结合使用等实际问题) (c) 许多与会者认为厂商对此并不感兴趣。 奇怪的是,大多数预定的演讲主题与MIDI都有点脱节。例如,加雷斯·洛伊博士的演讲主题是其在加州大学圣地亚哥分校计...
出处:https://theproaudiofiles.com/midi-basics/ 数字乐器接口协议,也就是众所周知的 MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface protocol),自 1980 年代初就已经存在,直至目前仍然在音乐制作领域中充当着关键的角色。任何使用 Logic Pro、Pro Tools、Ableton Live 等电子音乐或者数字音频工作站 (DAW) 的用户都需要...
RSS for tag Communicate with MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) devices using Core MIDI.Core MIDI Documentation Posts under Core MIDI tag6 Posts Sort by: Posts sorted by Newest Post Replies Boosts Views Activity MIDIFlushOutput does not cancel events scheduled over network Calling ...
适用于iPhone, iPod touch, iPad 、 安卓与Mac/PC上的通用MIDI转接头 iRig MIDI 2是首款兼容Lightning/USB 接口的移动MIDI转接头,可搭配各代iOS设备、Mac和PC电脑以及安卓设备(通过可选择的OTG转Mini-Din线。不但包含有第一代iRig MIDI备受喜爱的所有功能,并且在在体积、连接性能及控制性能方面更为优越。简单来...
iPad-compatible audio interface and with the iPad’s internal microphone. Capture Duo supports essential event editing for basic cleanup, using basic finger gestures. Start recording with just one tap, and when you’re finished, wirelessly transfer your songs directly to Studio One for Mac®...
Midiflow for Audiobus 3 is here! Learn more about those brand-new apps Good stuff "Simple and quick. Immediate control of your midi routing. Recommended."— Sivaself, United Kingdom Nicely done "Straightforward interface and deep configuration possibilities!"— KDub 101010, United States ...
The clip editor provides an easy-to-use interface for editing notes. Refine your compositions using tools such as quantizing, legato, split, duplicate, copy and paste. Create chords easily with the chord selector. Change the position, pitch, duration, and velocity of individual notes. Align not...
* All-New User Interface: Enjoy a sleek, modern UI that displays every note in each track of your song, making it easy to follow along and visualize the music. * Change Tempo and Key (Upgrade available): Set the playback rate using convenient presets or choose any BPM you desire. Chang...
The iXR was designed as an audio MIDI interface that maintains the portability of an iPad. The slim unit without any sharp edges can be put in a bag easily, and the rolled aluminum material makes the body strong enough to resist external shocks. When connected to an iPad, power can be ...