s easy listening and new age piano works can be heard on European radio and at his website CliffOdenkirk.com. Cliff’s CD’s and music are distributed worldwide with online album and single song distribution through many popular digital distribution networks. Cliff is webmaster forMidicity....
Cliff is a pianist / composer living in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Born in north central Ohio, he started playing piano at an early age and has since performed in 48 of the 50 US states and in multiple foreign countries. Cliff’s easy listening and new age piano works can be hear...
Posted in contests, Musical HacksTagged 2024 Home Sweet Home Automation, home-assistant, midi, midi piano, piano Less Rock, More Roll: A MIDI Barrel Piano June 18, 2020 by Sven Gregori 5 Comments Strolling around a park, pedestrian zone, or tourist area in any bigger city is rarely compl...
当然,我们也可以从可用的曲线中选择4类键盘力度,从经典到现代。Studiologic显示了在设置内部键方面还有很多黑科技,除了力度曲线,还可以让我们选择velcity值,所以例如我们选择123,不管我们弹多重,总会保持在123内,这个十分适用于多层VST使用。 声音: 很多时候,手感相对来说是可以是比较客观的,但是产品外观设计就真是见仁...
Blind Audio Fantasy Cinema WAV Bradley Halls Guitar School GUITAR 101 Pt 2 Guitar Maintenance TUTORIAL Capsun ProAudio City Pop WAV Chord ai v2 7 51 Pro Unlocked APK Android Cult Shadowgarden Drum Kit WAV FST Epic Stock Media Feel Good House Loops and FX WAV ...
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CityNaiveteClub/腾光事务所 鼓手 说实话,中国这种“学音乐没出路”的老一辈想法真的害人 但是我没想到现役初中生的父母都还在是这种想法 初中就能做到这个样子,我可以告诉你,只要有适合的人脉,你现在就已经可以在这一行吃上蛮好的饭了 更别提你现在…
Universal Audio 自豪地推出 Apollo X | Gen 2,世界领先的音频接口系列经过彻底重新设计,配备下一代音频转换性能、自动增益、低频管理和 Sonarworks® 监听校准功能。 新的Apollo X 接口采用新一代精英级 24 位/192kHz 的 A/D 和 D/A 转换,具有迄今为止所有 Apollo 中最高的精度,以及实时 UAD DSP 插件处理...
Konix focuses on the innovation and development of portable musical instruments, electronics guitar, roll up pianos, electric drum kits, wind instruments, MIDI keyboards, and amplifiers etc
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