福利:Kontakt 合成器音色库 Novu - Timeless Synth Vibes 发布,有免费版提供 Cinematique Instruments 跨越了全模拟时代的记忆和霓虹灯梦幻般的复古未来主义之间的界限。穿越时空,进入怀旧的合成器氛围世界。温暖、嗡嗡作响的巨大合成器,铺满了灰尘和嗡嗡声的魅力,沉浸在复古磁带回声和弹簧混响的深处。
我们同长年在Universal Audio工作的录音室录音专家、历史学家兼产品设计师Will Shanks进行了交流,以了解UA是如何重现Hitsville和Sound City录音室风采的。 前天 Excite Audio 发布 Bloom Synth Atmosphere 大气氛围音源插件 Excite Audio推出了Bloom系列音源的新成员:Bloom Synth Atmosphere,该插件专注于氛围音色,内置超过250...
我们同长年在Universal Audio工作的录音室录音专家、历史学家兼产品设计师Will Shanks进行了交流,以了解UA是如何重现Hitsville和Sound City录音室风采的。 前天 Excite Audio 发布 Bloom Synth Atmosphere 大气氛围音源插件 Excite Audio推出了Bloom系列音源的新成员:Bloom Synth Atmosphere,该插件专注于氛围音色,内置超过...
Another aspect of LMMS that is quite attractive is the fact that it comes with plenty of built-in effects and virtual instruments, including the ZynAddSubFX synth, which is one of the most versatile freeware synths there is. LMMS is also offers support for VST plugins. LMMS’ built-in bea...
There's still a lot to download on the Japanese Yamaha Synth.com site: most software is in English and some are very recent updates... Just scroll into the first category list, choose your model, select ALL and search... There's a LOT to update this week, so stay tuned!
MidiSoundSynth64 is available only in 64 bit format. Download the complete setup file here. The complete setup file also includes the GM SoundFont MSSFreeSFKR GM in compressed (SFKR) format. MidiSoundSynth64 contains an inbuilt updater, but if your version has not yet been updated, here is...
灵感源于 Intelijel Metropolis 和 RYK M-185 的 Max For Live 音序器。 开发者 Arthur Gibert 制作的 Technocity 是一个免费的 Max For Live 设备,他表示大部分灵感源于 Intelijel Metropolis 和 RYK M-185 音序器。 8 个阶段每个都可以设置一个音符,最大 8 步。每个阶段有 4 演奏模式(重复,单音符,单音...
There are many choices for synthesizer apps. One I’ve experimented with is called ThumbJam. Another one is SampleTank. There is a free synth app called Synth One. The list goes on and on. When you have chosen a synthesizer app to work with, it listens for instructions coming from the ...
Warmth, depth, emotion and texture define this sample pack. Included is 20 melodic samples along with individual stems. On top of that we’ve including a few bonus loops to keep you intrigued. ‘Mercury Synths’ is ideal for those looking to add some rare synth patterns into their library....
Come and get your slice of full-on EDM action today, with SirensCeol’s very first official Sample Pack for Prime Loops! 76 x Drum Loops 67 x Synth Loops 41 x Bass Loops 35 x SFX 258 x One Shots 11 x MIDI Files DEMO试听(VIP赞助会员可见): ...