The Police Department and its officers work hard to serve and protect the community. Here you can find helpful information about their initiatives, divisions, and more.
Governor Ned Lamont is directing the state’s severe cold weather protocol to go into effect beginning at 6:00 pm on Sunday, January 19, 2025, and remaining in effect through 12:00 pm on Friday, January 24, 2025.Read on... Police Department Public Information Session on Digital Traffic En...
The median income in Middletown is $62,022 - which is 14% lower than Connecticut. Med. Household Income $62,022C- Unemployment Rate 3.5%C+ See more Middletown employment data healthA+ There are many hospitals, police and fire stations. ...
Lawrence Budd Staff Writer
3 shot in Tallmadge near baseball fields When asked about any concerns of having three homicides in a matter of a couple months, in a press conference held Wednesday, Sept. 21, The Middletown Police Department said, “No, I think if you look at the past 6 years, we’ve had an uptick...
Fire/Police Department Items We love our 1st responders and many Hudson Valley homes show off their support with an item or two inside their house. Hat & Glove Bin Canva Hat & Glove Bin Most homes have a bin where we keep all our hats and gloves because it gets cold in the Hudson Val...
105 Main Street Middletown, CT 06457 We are located adjacent to Amici's Restuarant and Middletown Police Department. +1 860-783-4082 Get Directions Everyone gets our best deals! Come visit the Middletown store and take a look at the current iPhone deals.Now...
The City of Middletown Police Department shared a post from a young dog owner in regards to this lost pet. As stated above, this family is asking for assistance in bringing home their dog. It's a husky girl and she goes by the name of Rose. She has blue eyes and was lost within th...
ECKERSLEY-HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2014 POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY ROOM 6:00 PMresume, with a meeting scheduled March 11 related to exterior masonry and roofing, which they hope to start at end of March. Upper level framing was 90% complete; plumbing for bathroomwas roughed ...