People with disabilities have triple health needs: general healthcare needs (e.g., promotive, preventive, curative care), similar to the rest of the population; health needs related to their impairments (e.g., specialistic healthcare, rehabilitation, assistive technology); and health needs for s...
People with disabilities have triple health needs: general healthcare needs (e.g., promotive, preventive, curative care), similar to the rest of the population; health needs related to their impairments (e.g., specialistic healthcare, rehabilitation, assistive technology); and health needs for s...
Disaster mental health services: a guidebook for clinicians and administrators. California: Department of Veterans Affairs; 1998. p. 1–180. Google Scholar Zaw TN, Lim S. The military's role in disaster management and response during the 2015 Myanmar floods: a social network approach. Int J ...
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs. Basic analysis report on the Korean medical panel.Natl Health Insur Serv. 2010;1:1–184. Google Scholar Park MJ, Oh DN, Moon HK. A study on the attitudes and prevention behaviors related to dementia in middle-aged adults.J Korean Cont Assoc....
These findings suggest a need of proper intervention and care for mental health for cancer survivors, particularly during the period soon after cancer diagnosis. Consistent with previous findings24,25, we found that patients with Parkinson’s disease or stoke had an increased prevalence of DS that ...
Trauma Conferences 2020 focus on Trauma and Critical care Trauma, Doctors, Deans, Healthcare specialists, Professors, Academic and Business Professionals from London,Germany, Europe, USA, Asia, Canada, Australia and Japan for the year 2020.
Ai, AL, Peterson, C, Tice, TN, Bolling, SF, Koenig, HG (2004) Faith-based and secular pathways to hope and optimism subconstructs in middle-aged and older cardiac patients. Journal of Health Psychology 9: pp. 435-450Ai, A. L., Peterson, C., Tice, T. N., Bolling, S. F., &...
Child Health Evaluative Sciences Program & The Centre for Global Child Health, SickKids Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada Helen Dimaras PhD Department of Human Pathology, College of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya Helen Dimaras PhD Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry...
Though the need to practice self-management in the service delivery is crucial for patients and the health system, its practice in the health care system and research on its modality of implementation in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs) is limited [5,6,7,8]. In these countries se...
used patient records to determine fidelity to integration protocols, and inter- views were conducted to assess the extent of penetration of mental health care into PHC [116]. Other methods included facility audits [97, 118] and social network analysis [119]. Afrizal et al. assessed dif- ...