Creswell, J. (1998).Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions. London: Sage. Google Scholar Cuoco, A. (2001).The roles of representation in school mathematics (2001 Yearbook). Reston: NCTM. Google Scholar DeBellis, V., & Goldin, G. (2006). Affect and meta-...
With only two days remaining in the school year, I think it only makes sense to do some walkthroughs to make sure that teachers are following our bell-to-bell instruction mandate. Clive In 1963, Bruce McAllister was a high school student … … whose English...
Sydney - Middle East Times Int’l:The Australian Lebanese Foundation (ALF) held its annual ceremony on November 10 for the winners of secondary school certificate examinations at the University of Sydney, in the presence of a large crowd which included diplomatic, academic, political parties, socia...
After the Exhibition, Eagles gathered for lessons learned where they showed a deep appreciation for the difficulty of delivering an eight-minute speech and a newfound respect for the art of trip planning and sales. Specific lessons learned included: Eight minutes is a long time. Speak slowly. ...
‘Netanel didn’t do well in school, and he wasn’t always someone who stuck at things. And people, friends, often let him down. But he always wanted to help protect Israel. That was always very strong in him, and so that’s what he decided to do.” I wished him that he and...
More because of how he has used Twitter to propagate his vision of society, particularly where free speech is concerned. At least that’s how it seems to me. For a long time, Twitter, whose name he changed to X, has been like a vast planet. It’s been impossible to visit every ...
Students' Sustainable Development Capability in the Middle School The test results illustrated student's performance as currently being "OK." The results also illustrated that students did have a basic conception of SD, however there was still room for improvement. Eighty-three percent of the ...
Busing: also called desegregation busing: in the United States, the practice of transporting students to schools within or outside their local school districts as a means of rectifying racial segregation (Britannica). 8