You will be evaluated on your individual Word document and your group PowerPointrepresenting life in the North and the South. You will also be evaluated on yourconcluding group Word document representing a similar situation. The total possible for this project is 40 points.Katie Krocsko...
Students expect to come to school to learn math, English, science, and social studies. They expect to attend lunch and spend time with their friends and learn something. Through all of the content lessons that students experience in school, there is also a hidden curriculum that we can find ...
Among the goals of the group, Students and Teachers Raising Awareness Together (STRAT), is to keep students such as Adam from feeling isolated and to create a school climate that encourages consideration rather than intimidation. Since it formed last year, STRAT has sponsored two school-wide asse...
Challenge to Change invites you to join in our mission of spreading kindness throughout the world by offering the practices of Yoga and Mindfulness to children with this middle school curriculum. This curriculum contains Challenge to Change's Proven Yoga in the Schools curriculum, self regul...
Most educators agree that algebra is the key to a rigorous and demanding math program in middle school and beyond. University of Chicago math professor Zalman Usiskin calls algebra "the language of problem solving," and studies indicate that it's a language students must learn in order to go...