A student participates in an outdoor activity focusing on mental health at Zhangqiu No. 4 Middle School in Zhangqiu District of Jinan, east China's Shandong Province, Oct. 23, 2024. (Xinhua/Zhang Yuwei) The peer support scheme at Zhangqiu No. 4 Middle School is part of an adolescent menta...
I.ThemainproblemsandmanifestationsofmentalhealthinSeniorHighSchoolStudents Aninvestigationshowsthatthepsychologicalhealthproblemsofmiddleschoolstudentsismainlysubjecttochangingmoods,emotionalinstability,selfcontrol,psychologicalenduranceislow,weak,lackofself-confidence,learningdifficulties,testanxiety,inattention,memoryloss,poor...
"It also points to the need to determine specific features of stay-at-home measures that may be protective for youth mental health: for example ongoing socio-emotional learning programs in schools that can pivot to support mental health during crises, increased family time, changes in school stru...
1) mental health of senior middle school students 高中生心理健康 1. This thesis discusses the standard of mental health of senior middle school students and gives some tips on getting across the standard. 近年来,高中生心理健康问题引起了我国社会各界的高度重视,研究高中生心理健康状况及对策具有十分...
Objective To understand mental health status and analysis the mental support needs among middle school students in Wen chuan earthquake region.Method One middle school in the disaster region was selected and invited 980 students participated the investigation with CDI,SCARED and PTSD through self-questio...
(A)(丹东中考)Life is hard.And junior middle school students have every reason to say so.Recently,Zhejiang did a survey of young people's mental(精神的)health.It found that junior middle school students in Zhejiang feel the biggest pressure from school among teenagers.Besides,48.8%of middle ...
Objective: To evaluate the mental health state of middle or high school students Method: A total of 912 middle or high school students from 20 districts of 5 provinces respectively were tested with SCL-90 The result was compared with norms of Chinese youth Results: 5 2% students suffered from...
252studentswithallkindsofmentaldisorders ( 34.66% ) .Thedetectionratewas34.66%.Theprevalence ratewas18.21%.ThediagnoseconsistencyofpsychologicalCTandpsychiatristswas98.21%. 【 Conclusion 】 Mentalhealthstatusamongmiddleschoolstudentsisnotoptimistic.PsychologicalCTexaminationissuitable forassessmentofmentalhealthstatusan...
“Many people think, ‘Why are teens so concerned about these relationships? They`re really no big deal.’” Allen says, “They care because these are indications for how they will function in life socially for the rest of their lives. Relationships are vital to physical and mental health....