Reed City Middle School is a public school located in Reed City, MI, which is in a distant rural setting. The student population of Reed City Middle School is 442 and the school serves 5-8. At Reed City Middle School, 31% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math,...
“Enthusiastic and resourceful Middle School Teacher with a keen understanding of adolescent needs and exceptional problem-solving skills. Skilled at classroom management with over a year of experience supervising 25+ students. Passionate about enriching my pedagogical abilities and contributing to the scho...
“I never had summer—I had summer school. First grade, summer school. Second grade, summer school. Thirdgradesummerschoolfourthgradesummerschool. In fifth grade, I vowed I would get interested in fractions, the presidents of the United States, Mesopotamia; I would learn my English.” Why we...
With only two days remaining in the school year, I think it only makes sense to do some walkthroughs to make sure that teachers are following our bell-to-bell instruction mandate. Clive In 1963, Bruce McAllister was a high school student … … whose English...
Let them pick out one that suits their personality and a pack of colorful pens, then make the 15 minutes spent filling in the planner a fun shared activity. There are apps that can help teach time management skills for middle school students, too; apps like TickTick and iStudiez Pro ...
Who: Students (ages 15 and up) from any high school in the U.S. or Canada – in “companies” as large as 60 – can compete in this event. When: The Competition culminates with “company” presentations of their design briefings to a panel of judges. The high school competition runs...
While Lunar New Year is celebrated by more than a billion people worldwide, chances are high that this could be your elementary and middle school students’ first time actually celebrating. To introduce the holiday, try posing some of these questions to your class for a discussion or short wri...
The junior high school may be in a separate building or part of a junior-senior high school. In some systems, a middle school, or upper-grade centre, serves certain grades (6, 7, 8, for example) between elementary and high school....
Members are researchers from various academic fields at the University of Giessen, coordinated by the Chair of Public and European Law at University of Giessen Law School. While the Trauma-Network focuses mainly on the treatment and care of refugees, the FMM mainly deals with issues concerning ...
The simplest definition of the middle class is a group of people in a society who are neither rich nor poor. The middle class has always been considered vital to a country's political stability and economic growth. The rich and the poor simply distrust each other too much to let the other...