And some of that is him either texting me in the middle of the night (my phone on “do not disturb” and I find texts in the morning) or waking up with “I don’t feel good” complaints that prohibit school. Vague symptoms. Odd symptoms. Could it be COVID symptoms? Could it be,...
In that her prime creative expression in life has been that of being an exceptional cook, I was happy when she offered to make dinner for the two of us. And it was so delicious. When I arrived at her house and she was in the midst of preparing everything – in spite of her steeply...
Waking up in the middle of the night is normal. Most of us experience mini-awakenings without even noticing them — up to 20 times per hour. When it comes to observable wake-ups, most people have about two or three per night. We tend to look at the clock, toss and turn for hours,...
It might seem like the pace has slowed a bit, and perhaps in some ways it has. But in other, more unseen ways, there’s still big-C Change happening. Case in point: this is my first spring without living in a full size house in close to 30 years. I’m a guy that was raised...
During that time, about 2,000 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. A middle-aged man noticed that there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds, and then he hurried off. A woman threw money in the hat and, without ...
so we would shuffle past at a jog, but as soon as we slowed to a walk, whoosh, they would overtake us walking and zoom off. They could walk so fast, it was seriously impressive. We took to calling them the Rocket Walkers (it was the middle of the night, we were knackered, we ...
I have a theory the majority of us, no matter how little or how much we make, consider ourselves part of the middle class. When Iworked at McDonald's for $4 an hour, I was dirt poor, but considered myself middle class because both my parents had jobs. I also had a bicycle ...
brothers together. Celebrating the eagerness to share joy with cousins. Celebrating that we have each other, we have a home and food. Celebrating friends who drive in the rain to drop off supplies. Celebrating the gift of time when activities have paused and the craze of life slowed down. ...
and jars of olives are ever present, as are different kinds of loose leaf tea – mint,karkade(hibiscus) and chamomile to name a few – that can be accessed any hour of the day. I am quickly aware of the many hands and hours of work that go into making sure everyone who stays atAn...
Once they died or flowering slowed considerably, I would pull them out to make additional room for the flowers that had proven to be longer blooming. Another option is to wait for cooler weather in the fall when these flowers may bloom again. Heat Tolerant, but Require Deadheading. I also ...