middle finger- the second finger; between the index finger and the ring finger finger- any of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes excepting the thumb); "her fingers were long and thin" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc....
I am a fickle bitch, and it's one of my greatest qualities. In fact, I wish the word “fickle” were more attractive—it sounds too much like “pickle,” and one time in college I read a book called “Tickle His Pickle,” so I think it's clear that (a) I am a true academic...
rain held upplay c :a particular act or maneuver in a game a greatplayby the shortstop d :one's turn in a game it's yourplay 2 a :exercise or activity for amusement children atplay b :absence of any bad intention said it inplay ...
Middle East Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary13,882,425,828visits served TheFreeDictionary Google ? Keyboard Word / Article Starts with Ends with Text EnglishEspañolDeutschFrançaisItalianoالعربية中文简体PolskiPortuguêsNederlandsNorskΕλληνικήРу...
Researchers have even found occurrences(those they call tip-of-the-finger states) among sign language users. We’re more likely to draw blanks on words we use less frequently — like "abacus" or "palindrome", but there are also categories of words that lead to tip-of-the-tongue states ...
(Pause, thinking.)But…Mom will never know.(Opens the book to the first page and reads.) “KATIE, do not enter this book. It is strictly forbidden.”(Following lines with a finger.)If my mom doesn’t trust her sister, then it must be serious.(Pause)But how would I ever know ...
and human beings were seen as the reflection of that reality. In Egypt,Thothwas the scribe in the pantheon. Mortal scribes were viewed as the human reflections of Thoth, and “the beak of the Ibis (i.e.,Thoth) is the finger of the Scribe” (Wisdom of Amenemope, ch. XV, 17:7). ...
Kneecap throws up a brazen middle finger to another "North of Ireland" set biopic, Kenneth Branagh's Belfast. Where the world-renowned actor/director made a prestige pic out of his childhood, Mo Chara, Móglaí Bap, and DJ Próvaí reject the opportunity to gloss up their images. Instead,...
Pencil shavings. Pencil apron—the part that’s the wood part that your index finger rests on. It’s called the “apron” of the pencil. I didn’t know it needed a name On this campus, I always come across discarded pencils trapped in the cracks between the sidewalk slats. It’s lik...
give the middle finger verb to raise of the middle finger on a hand with the other fingers closed to the palm, towards a person. An obscene gesture that means "fuck you". Igavemy fatherthe middle finger. He hasn't spoken to me since. ...