SPOTLIGHT COLLECTION 探索系列背后的音乐人们: MIDDLE EAST (中东) 参与制作 MIDDLE EAST 音源库的皆为世界知名的音乐人。 Mohammad Reza Mortazavi (daf 达甫鼓, tombak 冬巴克鼓) Mohammad Reza Mortazaviborn 生于1978年的伊朗伊斯法罕。 他自6岁起就开始学习冬巴克鼓,并且在9岁那年就已经能够与他的老师比肩。
SPOTLIGHT COLLECTION: MIDDLE EAST is a playable collection of 25 percussive and melodic instruments, drawn from Arabic, Turkish, and Persian traditions.
Ancient Era Persia focuses on the Middle East, expanding on developer Eduardo Tarilonte’s earlier Desert Winds collection, and includes all four of the wind instruments contained in that library.
DISCOVERY SERIES: MIDDLE EAST includes 25 characteristic percussion, melodic, and string instruments, all captured in precise detail. With readily accessible sounds and scales plus customizable phrases and patterns, it enables composers to easily create traditional soundscapes or add unique textures to con...
Immediately transport your listeners to the lands that straddle East and West with authentic melodic instruments. Select from nine wind and string instruments. Produce a distinctive Middle Eastern sound by using quarter-tone scales and traditional tunings. Quickly construct tracks by drawing from a var...
Immediately transport your listeners to the lands that straddle East and West with authentic melodic instruments. Select from nine wind and string instruments. Produce a distinctive Middle Eastern sound by using quarter-tone scales and traditional tunings. Quickly construct tracks by drawing from a var...
DISCOVERY SERIES: MIDDLE EAST also includes a string group of violins, viola, and cello recorded by a renowned ensemble from Istanbul.The DISCOVERY SERIES: MIDDLE EAST interface makes it simple to find instruments and customize sounds. When working with melodic instruments, users can select editable...
中东风情Native Instruments Middle East [KONTAKT] 卓越而易用的打击乐及旋律乐器组 广博的乐器与 pattern 素材库,取材自阿拉伯、土耳其以及波斯音乐 25款原汁原味的乐器音源,杰出的采样质量 可供快速调用的声音素材、音阶以及乐句 传统之声,现代之路 这款中东乐器音源聚集了阿拉伯、土耳其以及波斯等丰富的传统音乐元素,...
Immediately transport your listeners to the lands that straddle East and West with authentic melodic instruments. Select from nine wind and string instruments. Produce a distinctive Middle Eastern sound by using quarter-tone scales and traditional tunings. Quickly construct tracks by drawing from a ...
DISCOVERY SERIES: MIDDLE EAST includes 25 characteristic percussion, melodic, and string instruments, all captured in precise detail. With readily accessible sounds and scales plus customizable phrases and patterns, it enables composers to easily create traditional soundscapes or add unique textures to con...