Background The beginning of the 21st century witnessed the emergence of what has come to be known as the 'Iranian Nuclear Crisis'. It followed the unearthing of Tehran's nuclear aspirations when, in August 2002, an exiled Iranian opposition group named the NationalD Abdullah...
美 英 un.(美国)《中东箴言》半月刊
The Middle Eastʼs leading independent news source since 2012 Archives for March, 2024 利比亚与突尼斯边境关闭背后的原因是什么? 突尼斯在发生安全事件后关闭了陷入困境的拉斯贾迪尔过境点。突尼斯和利比亚正面临寻求前往欧洲的移民危机。 Libya 哈马斯与法塔赫分裂再度浮现,巴勒斯坦和解努力陷入困境 ...
“conspiracy theory-peddling anti-Israel organisation”. Our review shows that the Middle East Monitor has a left wing bias in the use of loaded words and also in story choices that promote Islamic positions. We could not find any instances of the Middle East Monitor failing fact checks, but...
“The Israeli regime of military occupation, colonialism and apartheid is blatantly using Eurovision as part of its official strategy ‘Brand Israel’, which tries to show ‘the most beautiful face of Israel’ to whiten and divert attention from its war crimes against the Palestinians.” ...
据“中东观察”(Middle East Monitor)网站援引据卡塔尔媒体《新阿拉伯人》(al-Araby al-Jadeed)的报道,对苏丹当局欢迎俄罗斯在其领土上建立军事基地的表态,埃及方面感到“不满”。俄罗斯海军舰艇(资料图)该网...
InNew York City, reporting onregional news, militancy, climate change Joyce Karam Senior News Editor InWashington, DC, reporting onregional geopolitics, China in the Middle East Andrew Parasiliti President and Chief Content Officer InWashington, DC, reporting ondiplomacy, regional politics, national ...
Monitor: East Med. Middle East Monitor: East Med.Middle East Monitor: East Med.The article presents a forecast for several economies in the Middle East. It mentions that the International Monetary Fund agreed to delay its $4.8 billion Stand-by Arrangement (SBA) to Egypt to allow more '...
The Al-Monitor Brief Middle East economic outlook in 2025 Adam Lucente interviews Sam Wendel The Al-Monitor Brief Middle East 2024 Year in Review Adam Lucente interviews Joyce Karam The Al-Monitor Brief What's behind Europe's overtures towards Syria after the fall of Assad? Adam Lu...
nitor - Middle East Terror in America: Monitor - Middle EastTerror in America: Monitor - Middle East