中间综合征(Middle Child Syndrome)是指那些在兄弟姐妹中排行居中的孩子所面临的一系列身心特点和行为表现。这个概念源自心理学家阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒的理论,他认为排行居中的孩子容易出现一些特殊的问题和挑战。尽管这个综合征在心理学领域一直备受争议,但仍有人认为中间综合征是一种真实存在的心理现象。 中间综合征的特点...
middle child syndrome 中间儿综合症 中间儿童综合症 .--- 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
心理学有个名词叫“Middle-child Syndrome”,中间儿综合症,即中间的小孩相对于自己哥哥姐姐和弟弟妹妹,被忽视被排挤,而产生的一系列行为特征。 严肃来说,这是种病。 孩子的世界简单,为其添上色彩的首先是父母。 心理学家 Eric H. Erickson 认为,父母对孩子的态度,为孩子以后对社会的态度奠定了基础。 1. 给予足...
必应词典为您提供middle-child-syndrome的释义,网络释义: 中间儿童综合症;中间儿综合症;夹在中间;
The concept of Middle Child Syndrome can be traced back to the 1960s, when Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychologist and contemporary of Sigmund Freud, first described what he called the “second child syndrome.” Adler theorized that second-born children, who are sandwiched ...
Children with Middle Child Syndrome feel undervalued. here are the top 5 tips for parents to make all their kids feel fully valued.
Middle-Child Syndromesyndrome; Laura Davis Discovers How Your Place in the Family Hierarchy Can Affect Your Life
Middle Child Personality is an online community dedicated to middle children. It aims to promote awareness of middle child syndrome and educate parents together
As one middle child said to me, “There is a thing called middle-child syndrome (综合征). I certainly was always aware that the middle was not a position to be admired, even as I came to see typical middle-child features in myself. Middle children are natural mediators (和事佬); I ...