The breakup of Pangaea and the rapid opening of the Ligurian and Central Atlantic oceans during the Middle Jurassic resulted in widespread volcanism accompanied by significant shifts in global environments, climates, and floras. Although major volcanism is a plausible driver of such global changes, lin...
Reef build-ups are spo- radic within Lower Jurassic deposits and corals occur in the form of small patch-reefs (Turnsˇek and Kosˇir 2000; Turnsˇek et al. 2003). Representatives of frame-builders are the same as those determined in some Lower Jurassic grainstone lithoclasts. Another ...
Additionally, besides the Eastern Garbage Patch between California and Hawaii, other patches have been reported in subtropical areas, such as the Western Garbage Patch of the GPGP and the trash vortex spanning hundreds of miles off the North America’s Atlantic coast from Cuba to Virginia (between...
Haas et al.2014). Although such facies are not known from the northern DCP, the presence of these lithoclasts also proves similar sedimentary conditions on the deep open shelf and the slope between the DCP and SB.
participation(information campaign accompanying Moroccan subsidy cut; participatory set-ups for cash-for-work programmes in Jordan). It can even help maintain a minimum of state–society relations in states defunct in all three Ps (e.g., Yemen). Hence, social protection can be a powerful ...