Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Oman Palestine Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria Türkiye United Arab Emirates Yemen Upgrade your account to access this feature Create challenge Your high score (Pin) Log in to save your results. The game is available in the following27languages ...
’s major religions. Since it is such a pivotal place, knowing its geography is an important part of any educational curriculum. This map quiz game on the countries of the Middle East makes it that much easier to study this engaging region.Would you like to include Palestine on this quiz?
Other countries in Africa, namelySudanandTunisia, lie at the boundary of the Middle East and North Africa, with many of their cultural practices and backgrounds being heavily influenced by both regions. As such, they have been classified as “transition countries” due to their connection to two...
Current The One Wiki to Rule Them All Others Like You Viewed Arda Ainur Eru Ilúvatar Maiar Aman Top Pages this Week Sauron 1 Morgoth 2 Aragorn II 3 Gandalf 4 Valar 5 Map of Middle-earth from the films Thewas a hugeand critical success and together won seventeen(at least one in each ...
We all had weeks in middle school or high school when we primarily relied on Cliff’s Notes to prep us for our reading quizzes, but every once in a while you would actually have time to read the assigned books and maybe you found yourself completely engrossed. For instance, yo...
Quiz Course 16Kviews Places in the Middle East There are countless places in the Middle East that have vibrant cultures, bustling city life, and traces of the region's rich cultural history. The Middle Easterncapital citiesand other metropolitan hubs are a good starting point for exploring this...
Quiz Course 56Kviews The Middle East's Origin At the beginning of the 20th century, the term "Middle East" did not yet exist. The region as it is known was still under the Ottoman Empire, which would be broken up at the end of the First World War. The term Middle East was coined ...
Locating all 33 of these Middle East cities on a map might seem challenging. It will be. But with help from this quiz game, you have an opportunity to become an expert on Middle Eastern cities and have fun at the same time! Abu Dhabi is the capital and s
Information on Iran, a country in the Middle East. Do worksheets on the map and the flag of Iran. Iran: Map Quiz Worksheet A printable quiz on the major geographic features of Iran. The student reads a map to answer 10 geography questions. Orgo to the answers. ...
For Students Jordan River summary Quizzes Water and its Varying Forms A View of the Middle East Related Questions Is there any life in the Dead Sea? At what elevation is the Dead Sea? Read Next Are the Middle East and the Near East the Same Thing?