The Trump administration is seeking a significant expansion in the Ground-based Midcourse Defense program - a missile defense system on which the United States has already spent some 67 billion. Since the Ground-based Midcourse Defense system was declared, more than 15years ago, to have achieved ...
SAN FRANCISCO, March 25 (Xinhua) -- U.S. aerospace giant Boeing said Monday that it has for the first time successfully test-launched two interceptors to knock down a ballistic missile target over the Pacific Ocean. It partnered with the U.S. Missile Defense Agency to conduct the historic ...
Missile Defense Agency Aborts Flight Test.(ground-based midcourse defense interceptor)Roosevelt, Ann
According to the mission of midcourse interception for multiple warheads of long-range ballistic missile, this paper focused on the design and optimization of cooperative detection and guidance strategy. Based on multi-sensors fusion technology, the method of high-accuracy position measurement and view ...
Update on Missile Defense For Bush To Include GMD, Test Program Status.(Ground-based Midcourse system)Gildea, Kerry
Defense & Security AnalysisGronlund L,wright D,Young S.An assessment of the inter-cept test program of the ground-based midcourse nationalmissile defense system. . 2001An assessment of the inter-cept test program of the ground-based midcourse nationalmissile defense system. Gronlund L,wright D,...
Defense & Security AnalysisAn assessment of the intercept test program of the ground-based midcourse national missile defencse system. Libeth Gronlund,David wright,Stephen Young. . 2001Libeth G,David W,Stephen Y. An assessment of the in- tercept test program of the ground- based midcourse na...
Finally,- taking the space-based early-warning detecting task of maneuverable ballistic missile for example, by which the feasibility and efficiency of the strategy are explained and proved.doi:10.1109/sensorcomm.2010.109Tang Shao-xunYi Xian-qing...
Section 3 introduces the online dynamic correction strategy for the interceptor we designed, which mainly includes the online correction strategy for the single PIP and the strategy for the multiple PIP update. In Section 4, numerical calculations and comparative analyses were performed. In Section 5...
secretary of defense, Chuck Hagel, that the U.S. would be buying one billion dollars worth of new equipment to bolster its national missile defense system. Reportedly, interceptor missiles will be installed at Fort Greely, Alaska and California's Vandenberg Air Force Base to augment the bases'...