The meaning of MIDAS TOUCH is an uncanny ability for making money in every venture. Did you know?
The meaning of THE MIDAS TOUCH is the ability to make everything that one is involved with very successful. How to use the Midas touch in a sentence.
Touch.•Nars'silverlipstick, 2001, is aprecursorof aholidayfashionseasonthatpromisestheMidas touch.•He's the man with theMidas touch.•Yet, for the moment anyway, thebankershave lost theirMidas touch.•This undesiredMidas touchdepressedand evendisgustedhim; he was not interested in money....
In modern times, the phrase “Midas touch” shifted from its mythological roots to become a metaphor for anyone with a particular talent for financial success. Instead of focusing on the curse part of the story, the emphasis is on the ability to bring about profit or success effortlessly. The...
the Midas touch meaning, definition, what is the Midas touch: if someone has the Midas touch, everythi...: Learn more.
The meaning of MIDAS is a legendary Phrygian king who is given the power of turning everything he touches to gold.
Midas touch /ˈmaɪdəs-/ noun Britannica Dictionary definition of MIDAS TOUCH the Midas touch : the ability to make everything that you are involved with very successful an actor/businesswoman with the Midas touch ASK THE EDITOR What are the plural forms of check-in, passerby,...