“The film follows a charismatic college dropout who recruits his best friends to rob the health insurer that denied his mom’s coverage,” said Entertainment Squad, the boutique distribution company founded by industry veteranShaked Berenson. “After things take a dark turn, the trio must wrestle...
Oil Change Oil is the lifeblood of your engine. It reduces friction, lessens wear, provides lubrication, forms a seal between the pistons, rings and cylinder walls while helping to cool engine parts. Without the cleaning action of new oil, carbon and varnish buildup would be toxic to the en...
I had an oil change done at one of your locations where I live as I saw the special advertised both on TV and signage. This was in winter and I have been trying to deal with this issue since. I asked for the oil. lube and filter they were also to rotate my tires which was not...
Midas, Inc is a chain of companies providing automotive services. More than 1,500 company-owned and franchised centers under them are operational in various regions of Canada and the United States. Other than this, Midas, Inc even operate franchised and licensed stores in different countries inclu...
Although the DCC model can be easily estimated for multiple assets with time variants, it is still difficult to deal with different frequency data at the same time. The DCC-MIDAS model proposed by Colacito et al. (2011) is a combination of the two-component volatility decomposition model. ...