02 MIDAS GTS NX分析手册自由度系统介绍 下载积分: 800 内容提示: New eXperience of GeoTechnical analysis System Chapter 2 Node/ DOF/ Coordinate System TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1. Node and DOF Section 2. Coordinate System Section 3. Finite Rotation Simulation 文档格式:PDF | 页数:8 | 浏览次数:...
01_MIDAS GTS NX分析手册简介.pdf,New eXperience of GeoTechnical analysis System Chapter 1 Introduction TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1. Overview Section 2. Unit System Section 3. File System Section 4. Notation System Section 5. Sign Specification ANALYSIS RE
图 1-4 输入用户名称和计算机名称 (6) 选择安装位置中选择安装 GTS NX 的文件夹。如选择默认位置,可直接点击 ,如要另行指定,点击 选择相应的路径。 图 1-5 确定安装文件路径 入门指南 第 1 章 关于 GTS NX | 5 (7) 在功能选择对话框中选择安装内容。如安装包括程序和手册的所有内容,点击 ,如只选择部...
06-MIDAS-GTS-NX-分析手册-荷载应变.pdf,New eXperience of GeoTechnical analysis System Chapter 6 Load Constraint TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1. Load Section 2. Boundary and Constraint Conditions Section 3. Pore Pressure / Initial Condition ANALYSIS REFERENCE
midas gts nx 地铁、隧道专题_图文 热度: NeweXperienceof GeoTechnicalanalysisSystem Chapter1 Introduction TABLEOFCONTENTS Section1.Overview Section2.UnitSystem Section3.FileSystem Section4.NotationSystem Section5.SignSpecification ANALYSISREFERENCE Chapter1.Introduction ...
某项目边坡,高约28米,采用格构梁+锚杆支护方式,锚杆直径为22,格构梁尺寸为0.4mx0.4m,坡脚挡墙采用C15混凝土,边坡材料为填土+中风化泥岩,采用Midas-NX分析其稳定性。 操作流程如下: 一、在CAD中绘制边坡图形,另存为DXF文件,并放入工作目录 二、打开midas-NX软件,导入DXF文件,点击交叉分割,完成导入 ...
GTS NX is a program developed for the detailed analysis of ground and tunnel systems. It is founded on the C++ based Finite Element Analysis engine. Various analysis methods such as static analysis, dynamic analysis, seepage analysis, stress-seepage coupled analysis, consolidation analysis, constructi...
Also, GTS NX can assume the initial stress applied on an element to be the stress generated by gravity. When this assumption is applied, the load distribution factor considering self weight is applied when the element is removed from the construction stage. 242 | Section 1. Load ANALYSIS ...
NX安装,按向导进行安装。从各阶段进行下一个阶段时,点击, 如果要回到上一个阶段时,点击。 1.2 安装GTSNX 入门指南 第1章关于GTSNX|3 图1-2安装初始界面 (4)在使用许可协议对话框中,仔细阅读其中的内容后,如无异议,选择“Iaccept thetermsofthelicenseagreement”后,点击按钮。
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