三、阅读表达King Midas and His Golden TouchLong long ago, there lived in Greece a king whose name was Midas. He was a greedy man and loved goldbetter than anything else in the world.One day, he asked God to give him more gold. God decided to punish him and said, “Your wish is ...
【Ted-ED】神话系列 S1E9 迈达斯国王的点金术 The Myth Of King Midas And His Golden Touch169312020-02-09 05:18:31您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~38 10 50 40 ted 知识 社科·法律·心理 冷知识 货币 YOUTUBE搬运 心理学 教育 人文 神话 纪实 趣味科普人文 黄金小...
14King Midas and His Golden Touch迈达斯国王和他的点金术 Long ago, Greece was divided into many different small kingdoms. One of these kingdoms was ruled by a man named King Midas. King Midas was very rich. Many people said that he had more gold than any other king in the world. Even ...
所属专辑:一周一英文名著:《希腊神话故事Greek Myths》 音频列表 1 24.Jason and the Argonauts 杰森与阿尔戈 906 2017-08 2 23.King Midas and his Golden Touch 迈达斯国王与其点金术 1176 2017-08 3 22.Return to Argos 返回阿戈斯故国 821 2017-08 ...
必应词典为您提供King-Midas-and-the-Golden-Touch的释义,网络释义: 米达斯国王和他的点金术;迈达斯国王与和他的点金术;国王迈达斯与点金术;
King midas and his golden touch Kingmidasandhisgoldentouch •Longago,Greecewasdividedintomanyparts.OneofthesekingdomswasruledbyamannamedKingMidas.Hewasveryrich.Eventhoughhewasveryrich,Midaswassogreedythathealwayswantedtobericher.Hisfavoritethingwasgold.Truely,hewishedthateverythinginhiskingdomcouldbegold....
今天要给大家推荐一本取材于希腊神话的英文电子书:King Midas and the Golden Touch(《Midas国王和点石成金术》)。 故事的主人公Midas是希腊神话中很有名的一位国王,传说他的父亲是一位国王,而他的母亲是一位女神,在Midas还是个小婴儿的时候,蚂蚁会排着队给他...
S1E09 迈达斯国王的点金术 The Myth Of King Midas And His Golden Touch2020-12-12 15:27:34 举报 0 分享至 0:00 / 0:00 速度 洗脑循环 Error: Hls is not supported. 视频加载失败网易新闻 iOS Android 猜你喜欢 韩国军事有多强?世界前五,强到离谱!为什么? 芯片不如美国,机床不如日本,中国...
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S1E9 迈达斯国王的点金术 The Myth Of King Midas And His Golden Touch。听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课