Sample 1Sample 2 Save Copy Mid-term Technical Review. (1)The Countymay conduct a Mid-Term TechnicalReview of theGranteesCable Systemonceat any time, but notprior to thebeginning of thetenth year ofthe Franchise.The Granteeshallfully cooperateandassist theCounty inconducting such review. ...
Tension-Free Midurethral Slings in the Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Tria... Our meta-analysis showed that tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) outperformed Burch colposuspension, whereas efficacy of TVT and pubovaginal sling...
The Society for Public Health Education's (SOPHE) first three mid-year scientific symposia were evaluated three months after each meeting with questionnaires mailed to all national SOPHE members who attended and a 10% sample of members who did not attend. 3% of SOPHE members attended the first...
action plan. See attached mid-year report. Measurable Objectives cont. WRITING: Process Writing Milestone: 69.7% of all students achieved satisfactory on the second marking term writing sample, missing the milestone by only .3 points. 77% of third grade students, 73% of fourth grade students, ...
Study type, year of publication, baseline patient characteristics, features of the acute phase presentation, length of follow-up, hospitalisation status (ICU admission, length of hospital and/or ICU stay) and neurological and neuropsychiatric outcomes measured were tabulated for each study. The number...
A vesselness filtered and Otsu thresholded montaged 20 × 20°OCTA image of the superficial vascular plexus in MATLAB of a 60-year-old cognitively unimpaired low-risk female. The image shows the central fovea (FAZ area = 0.48 mm2; FAZ effective diameter = 782 µm) and a pa...
However, the postoperative AKSS-knee and function scores obtained at the 2-year follow-up were not significantly different than those obtained at the last follow-up in either group (Table 2). Table 2 Intragroup comparison of AKSS-knee and AKSS-function scores Full size table Comparison between...
In this study, SPSS version 25.0 (IBM SPSS, Armonk, NY, USA) was used for statistical analysis of all obtained sample data. The chi-square test was applied to classified variables and the t-test was applied to continuous variables to determine the strength of differences between the variables...
At postpartum year-6 follow-up, 953 (86.8%) offspring were assessed, of whom 460 (48.3%) provided blood samples. Participants were included in the analytic sample if they had maternal glucose data and at least one AA as an outcome (n = 422, see Additional file 2: Fig. S1). ...
Production Capacity 8, 000, 000 PCS/ Year Product Description Products Description Smart Meter Three-phase Modbus Kwh meter with MID standard BI-Directional meter CE approved. "EM519032/33/24" series meters are designed for DIN-Rail installat...