To calculate tidal datums, we used the Oregon State University regional tidal inversion for the Indian Ocean region39,40. We extracted the harmonic constituents for each site and used them to calculate mean high water and mean low water (MLW) using formulas from the Manual of Harmonic Constant...
For the Aluto samples sanidine separates were loaded into aluminium disks and irradiated for 30 min in the Cd-lined facility at the TRIGA Reactor, Oregon State University. Grains of the neutron-flux standard Alder Creek sanidine (1.2056±0.0019 Ma, ref. 54) were co-irradiated in the same ...
The Ethiopian Rift Valley hosts the longest record of human co-existence with volcanoes on Earth, however, current understanding of the magnitude and timing of large explosive eruptions in this region is poor. Detailed records of volcanism are essential