oprubplrisehsesud rperdoteoficcoilts ([V4P5]D. M, kePaan) mwoansthcalylc dualaytteimdef rVoPmDr ewlaatsi ve humdeidteirtmy iannedd tbeym apveerraagtuinreg dmaeilays u15re‐mmienn VtsPbDa csaeldcuolnatipounbs lbisehtwedeepnr soutoncroisles...
Confocal microscopy was performed using a Leica SP5 or SP8 fitted with 40x/1.3 na oil objective lens and 40x/1.1 na water objective lens. All live imaging experiments were performed at 18–19 °C. Fixation and labelling for immunofluorescence. Eggs were fixed in −20° methanol containing ...
19. Newbold, T.; Hudson, L.N.; Hill, S.L.; Contu, S.; Lysenko, I.; Senior, R.A.; Börger, L.; Bennett, D.J.; Choimes, A.; Collen, B.; et al. Global effects of land use on local terrestrial biodiversity. Nature 2015, 520, 45–50. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 20. Porter...