"This procedure allows me to clean up theeyesand clean up the fold and lift up that cheek tissue that tends to descend as time goes on," Jacobs explains. By comparison, he says, "The classic facelift involves incisions around the ear and back into thehairand does very little on the fo...
Informed the front desk don’t place me near the construction area. It’s noisy. Double confirmed again, she said no. 😒So is it coincidence the room the face to the construction area? However, the customer service thru WhatsApp is very effective, told them my room toilet light is dim...
“I’m going to try to be cool, but I really don’t know what’s going to come up for me, emotionally.â€Â After all, this was the place my life had changed. This was the place where my world had shifted dramatically, sending me into a t...
it’s not what I’m known for. Compared to essays and Twitter, the tactics for growing a podcast have never been clear to me. Doing so begins with consistency, so I plan to maintain a weekly publishing cadence. But that’s just the first step. Before the end of the year, I’d lik...
The reality is, everyone is still wearing masks. Most everything (where I live) is still shut down. The world, to me, still feels partially apocalyptic whenever I leave my neighborhood. Every other post on Facebook is COVID related.How are you dealing? Is it too soon to have playdates...
me /mi:/ pron. (I的宾格)我 excuse me 劳驾;请原谅 thank /θæŋk/ v. 感谢;谢谢 teacher /'ti:tʃə/ n. 老师;教师 about //ə'baut/ prep. 关于 What about...?(询问消息或提出建议..怎么样? yours /jɔ:z/ pron. 你的;你们的 ...
The most moving part of Biden’s speech came near the end, as he quoted a verse from a song treasured by his family: What shall our legacy be, What will our children say? Let me know in my heart when my days are through,
1.A wave of despair overwhelmed me/ swallowed me. 2.I was floating in a world of despair. 3.We were left helpless and desperate. 五、助人脱困+脱困后 的心理感受 1.Thanks to his quick response and timely / professiona...
Zak Gaibi: I would start by coming up with a back-of-the-envelope number—one that would scare me but is still feasible. Don’t try to be the next Google. Then, collect a few proof points to show the opportunity and convince colleagues to go after it. That’s step one. Next, sta...
alsomidair, "the part of the air between the clouds and the air near the ground," frommid(adj.) +air(n.1). Entries linking tomid-air air(n.1) c. 1300, "invisible gases that surround the earth," from Old Frenchair"atmosphere, breeze, weather" (12c.), from Latinaer"air, lower...