Geospatial Determinants of Food Pantry Access in the Mid-Ohio Farmacy Programdoi:10.5888/pcd20.230155Lowrey, JohnMaestas, DanielleBeaulieu, ThomasHeadings, AmyHyder, AyazPreventing Chronic Disease
Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncioTraducir con Google Gathering for family wedding We had a wonderful stay. The house (indoor and outdoor patio) was lovely. We enjoyed the indoor basketball game in the basement. The rooms were nice and com...
The Association to Meet Emergency Needs (AMEN) food pantry has been providing assistance in the Dickinson, North Dakota, area for 38 years. So, when the pantry itself recently asked for help via social media, volunteers from Marathon Petroleum Corporation's (MPC) Dickinson renewable diesel facilit...
A growing need -- More in Mid-South require help of food pantryLinda A Moore