有几位美国总统除了主要职业外,还从事过不常见的短期或兼职工作。詹姆斯·加菲尔德曾是一名律师,并在南北战争期间在联邦军中当过军官,而且他还是一位依教规任命的牧师,曾在基督门徒教会(Disciples of Christ Church)担任牧师。亚伯拉罕·林肯在从政前当过律师,还在伊利诺伊州的...
13、1844年2月到1845年6月以及1846年1月到12月,在美国归正会(American Reformed Mission)传教士雅裨理(David Abeel,1804年—1846年),美国圣公会传教士文惠廉(William J. Boone,1811年—1864年)的帮助下,美国医疗传教士甘明(W.H.Cumming,1820-1893)、美国北长...
This is the Gospel of the Christ. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is, for me, a great sadness that I cannot be with you all today. The Maundy Service has a very special place in my heart. It has its origin in the life of Our Lord who kn...
Easter is the oldest and most important festival of the Western Christian year, celebrating Jesus Christ's resurrection (rising from the grave) following his crucifixion on Good Friday. Easter Sunday is the culmination of Ho...
In which country did the story ofHamlettake place? Denmark Who wrote the poemA Red Red Rose? Robert Burns Which part of the UK did Robert Burns come from? Scotland In which year was America’s Declaration of Independence si...
This is the Gospel of the Christ. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is, for me, a great sadness that I cannot be with you all today. The Maundy Service has a very special place in my heart. It has its origin in the life of Our Lord who...