Centrioles, basal bodies, and centromeres of chromosomes are the sites of orientation for this assembly. Calcium and calmodulin (an acidic protein having four Ca2+ binding sites) are some other regulating factors in the in vivo polymerization of tubulin. Microtubules may work alone or join with ...
Microtubules are dynamic filaments that assemble spindles for eukaryotic cell division. As the concentration profiles of soluble tubulin and regulatory proteins are non-uniform during spindle assembly, we asked if diffusiophoresis - motion of particles under solute gradients - can act as a motorless tra...
In virus-infected cells structures called electron-dense spacers have also been associated with P10. These structures are often observed to surround the polyhedra and this observation led to the suggestion that P10 may be involved in the proper formation of polyhedra (Williams et al., 1989). ...
Typically, smaller labels have been obtained by directly conjugating a fluorophore to the primary antibody, or by using antibody fragments. Antibody fragments derived from heavy chain only camelid antibodies (nanobodies) are now emerging as promising alternatives, because of their small size (B15 kDa...
What are the components of the cytoskeleton? Name the protein fibers that make up a cytoskeleton. List two functions each of microtubules and microfilaments. What is the constriction formed by the actin ring during animal-cell cytokinesis that leads to cytopla...
MTs are long, micrometer sized, hollow cylinders consisting of a lattice that can be formed from 9 to 16 laterally aggregating protofilaments [2]. Each protofilament strand is comprised of linearly arrayed αβ-tubulin dimers, interacting noncovalently via so-called longitudinal interactions. Within...
By Mazia's time it had come to refer—as it still does today—to the phase of mitosis when sister chromatids are moving apart from one another toward opposite sides of the cell. The onset of anaphase is one of the most abrupt events of mitosis, making it cytologically useful as a ...
Plants are the tallest organisms on Earth; a feature sustained by solute-transporting xylem vessels in the plant vasculature. The xylem vessels are supported by strong cell walls that are assembled in intricate patterns. Cortical microtubules direct wall
Hallmarks of memristive behavior include pinched and frequency-dependent I–V hysteresis loops and most importantly a functional dependence of the magnetic flux passing through an ideal memristor on its electrical charge. Microtubules (MTs), cylindrical protein polymers composed of tubulin dimers are key...
–Microfilaments,alsocalledactinfilaments,arethethinnestcomponents –Intermediatefilamentsarefiberswithdiametersinamiddlerange Microfilaments(alsoknownasactinfilaments)aretwo-strandedhelicalpolymersoftheproteinactin.Theyappearasflexiblestructures,withadiameterof5-9nm,andtheyareorganizedintoavarietyoflinearbundles,two-...