Define microtomy. microtomy synonyms, microtomy pronunciation, microtomy translation, English dictionary definition of microtomy. n. pl. mi·crot·o·mies The preparation of specimens with a microtome. mi′cro·tom′ic adj. American Heritage® Dictiona
Every Letter Is Silent, Sometimes: A-Z List of Examples Popular in Wordplay See All Birds Say the Darndest Things The Words of the Week - May 10 A Great Big List of Bread Words 10 Scrabble Words Without Any Vowels 12 More Bird Names that Sound Like Insults (and Sometimes Are) ...
Define ultramicrotomy. ultramicrotomy synonyms, ultramicrotomy pronunciation, ultramicrotomy translation, English dictionary definition of ultramicrotomy. n. A microtome for cutting very thin sections of material for use in electron microscopy. ul′tra·
Wood Sci. Technol. 1: 191-204.Fengel D., Ultramicrotomy, Its Application in Wood Research, Wood Sci. Technol. 1 (1967) 191-204. [12] Ferrand J.C., Reflexions sur la densite du bois, 1e Partie: Definition de la densite du Bois, Holzforschung 36 (1982) 99-105....
A good definition of osteoblasts (nucleus, membranes, organelles) and extracellular constituents (collagen fibrils, matrix vesicles, mineral substance) was obtained. The sutural zone was composed of an unmineralized cartilaginous tissue with more or less hypertrophic cells surrounded by a finely fibrillar...