The microstrip patch antenna calculator determines the length (L) and width (W) of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna for a given resonant frequency or vice versa. The substrate parameters (εr and h) are required. If the ratio (L/W) is close to unity, the radiation pattern will be ...
Formula for Microstrip Width Calculator What is a Microstrip? A Microstrip is a type of transmission line in which a strip of a conducting material like copper is mounted on a dielectric material and routed to a ground plane. The width of the conducting layer is important to calculate the rad...
Shanmuganatham, T., and Deepanshu Kaushal. "Design of multi utility multi band microstrip calculator shaped patch antenna using coaxial feed." Computer, Communication and Signal Processing (ICCCSP), 2017 International Conference on. IEEE, 2017....
Patch Length= 24.05 mm Ground Plane Lg= 33.05 mm Ground Plane Wg= 41.81mm Microstrip Patch Antenna Calculator Formula Following equations or formula are used for this microstrip patch antenna calculator. Microstrip patch antenna is used in mobile handset due to simple look, lower cost, small size...