(57)< Abstract > The first conductive layer which it adjoins in the dielectric substrate (6) (4) it possesses the microstrip patch antenna. First conductive layer (4) has the thickness of 1 times that or less of epidermal depth of the material of first conductive layer. Second conductive ...
Comparative Study of Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Communication Application 194 Abstract 鈥 This paper describes variety of feeding technique applicable to microstrip patch antenna which is one of the important aspects. A good impedance matching condition between the line and patch without any ad...
Collinear Microstrip Patch Antenna Milan POLÍVKA, Alois HOLUB, Miloš MAZÁNEK Dept. of Electromagnetic Field, Czech Technical University, Technická 2, 166 27 Praha, Czech Republic polívka@fel.cvut.cz, holuba@fel.cvut.cz, mazanekm@fel.cvut.cz Abstract. The paper presents a brief overview...
Abstract:AfractamicrostrippatchantennaisiustratedforantennaRadarCrossSection(RCS)reduction.Fractastructure hasthespeciaabiityofspacefiingwhichcanbeexporedforantennaRCSreduction.Thecharactersofthedesignedfractami- crostrippatchantennaarecomparedwiththoseoftraditionapatchantenna.Theresutsshowthatfractaantennaretainstherad...
Abstract The characteristics of a bow-shaped microstrip patch antenna are analyzed and compared with a conventional rectangular microstrip antenna. The various parameters such as return loss, gain, and VSWR are determined and compared. It is found that the center microstrip...
In this chapter, we will present a study concerning the design of a microstrip patch antenna with a rectangular slot intended for the wireless technology terahertz. This antenna operates for a frequency located in the terahertz band (120 GHz). The design
To demonstrate the utility of this approach, the effects of curvature on the resonant frequency and input impedance of both a doubly curved conformal square and circular patch antenna are investigated. Different feed positions are also considered. Due to a paucity of published experimental data, the...
Abstract: The following sections are included: Bandwidth Limitations of the Basic Microstrip Antenna Frequency Response Characteristics of Microstrip Patch Antennas Introduction to Microstrip Patch Antennas with Adjustable Air Gaps Geometry Heuristic Derivation of Effective Permittivity and Resonant Frequency ...
Abstract This paper describes numerical modelling of a dual band multi-layered microstrip patch antenna operating at 35GHz on an in-house semi-insulating GaAs substrate. The simulated and measured resonant frequencies at both lower and upper resonant frequencies will be compared to check the accuracy...
摘要: There is no abstract available for this article.关键词: open circuit microstrip termination microstrip antenna microstrip design equations patch antenna circular polarisation linear array techniques flat-plate antenna two-dimensional arrays DOI: 10.1049/ep.1982.0082 被引量: 405 ...