MicroStation安装及入门 如要删除导入图纸的东西或是用插件的命令画的东西,要用插件里的“删除”的命令,如果使用MS的工具在图纸上画的东西要删除,要用MS里的“删除”的命令,“撤销”等其他命令也是如此。把鼠标放在命令上,会出现英文(插件)或中文(MS)提示,便可知道此命令的作用。使用MS里的命令在图纸上...
Tips: Converting Raster to Vector Can I convert a raster file to a vector file in Microstation J? You need the module MicroStation Descartes or IRAS/B to the job. Building the Command Double-click on the "Get Cell Names" button to open the source code window (see Figure 5). A templa...
在下次打开插件的时候是看不见的,我们需要点击Edit\VectorToRaster 弹出: 点击Element(针对一个物体)、Fence(针对一个范围,可多个物体)均可, 点击云图变红,再点击一下,等待再变白即可,文字同理。 如果存在有标准号漏标,那么需要使用命令画圆,可画出
Vector PDF documents attached in Raster Manager or Descartes typically work without issue. Using scanned, or other raster PDF documents, on the other hand, can… Tip MicroStation Tip: Printing Problem Quick Fix MicroStation printing problems; we’ve all had them, and they always seem to happe...
MainOkino/ODAUnits & HierarchyElementsElements2 BREPsTessellationMesh & XRefsRaster ImagesHistory and Overview of the DGN File Format, and when to use DGN format)The "DGN" file format was developed in the 1980's by Intergraph Corp and adopted as the main file format of the Bentley Micro...
CAD viewing, markup and collaboration on NextCloud for AutoCAD, MicroStation and advanced raster graphics. - CADViewer/NextCloud
CADViewer implements CAD viewing, markup and collaboration on the NextCloud platform for AutoCAD, MicroStation, PDF and advanced raster graphics. Following CADViewer features are available in NextCloud: AutoCAD: Support for DWG, DXF and DWF files. ...