microsoft python bot farmer microsoft-rewards playwright microsoft-rewards-bot bing-rewards microsoft-rewards-farmer Updated Oct 16, 2023 Python SL8Entropy / autohotkey-microsoft-rewards-search-cheat Star 1 Code Issues Pull requests ALERT: THIS CHEAT HAS BEEN PATCHED AS OF 7/12/23. This progr...
docker image for Microsoft-Rewards-Farmer by charlesbel - microsoft-rewards-bot/ at main · haq/microsoft-rewards-bot
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD"/accounts.json:/app/accounts.json microsoft-rewards-bot:V1
该机器人可以在10分钟内非常轻松地完成计算机甚至移动搜索(通过一些调整)。 您可以在这段时间内做任何您想做的事情。 安装和使用步骤 安装nodejs( ) 转到操作系统中的终端(Windows = powershell,mac =终端) 通过使用cd directory导航到您正在使用的cd directory ,其中directory是您正在使用的文件夹。
docker build -t microsoft-rewards-bot:V1 . 账号密码文件 accounts.json [{ "username": "", "password": "密码", "mobile_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Saf... -./accounts.json:/app/ -wireguardvolum...
A simple bot that uses selenium to farm Microsoft Rewards written in Python - Use it at your own risk, Microsoft may ban your account (and I would not be responsible for it) Installation Install requirements with the following command : pip install -r requirements.txt Make sure you have Chr...