Xbox One Your Xbox gamertag is created for you the first time you sign in. If you don’t like it, you can change it once for free. Here’s a way to do it on your Xbox One console: Press the Xbox button on your controller, then select System > Settings > Personalization > My ...
在Xbox One 上變更您的玩家代號 Applies To Xbox One 第一次登入時,系統會為您建立 Xbox 玩家代號。如果您不喜歡此玩家代號,可以免費變更一次。以下是您可以在 Xbox One 主機上變更玩家代號的方法: 按控制器上的 Xbox按鈕,然後選取 [系統]> [設定]> [個人化] > [我的設定檔] > [自訂設定檔]。
在GDK 中,使用 XUserGetGamertag API 返回这些项。 在 ERA 中,使用 GetUserProfileAsync API 获取玩家代号。XR-048:档案设置用法 *Xbox 网络是 Xbox 用户配置文件信息的真实来源。 为了支持这一点,游戏不得存储来自 Xbox 网络的用户信息,例如配置文件数据、首选项或玩家代号,而不是用于支持网络断开连接方案的本...
To delete your Xbox profile, you need to close your Microsoft account. There's no way to close your account while keeping your Xbox profile or gamertag. To link your Xbox profile to another Microsoft account, see: Change the email address or phone number for your Microsoft account ...
默认情况下,未使用智能交付的 Xbox One 游戏在 Xbox Series X|S 上以兼容模式运行。 在 Xbox Series X|S 上以兼容模式运行时,使用智能交付的游戏必须正常工作。为了保持主机各世代之间的一致性,游戏必须:通过游戏板输入通过支持导航。 游戏可能要求事先批准才能使用附加外围设备。 确保保存的游戏跨世代中的主机...
You see one of the following error codes and messages when you try to switch your Xbox gamertag to a different Microsoft account: Error code: 8015341b Can't change Microsoft account Error code: 8015341b Can't change Windows Live ID This might mean that your Xbox Live account and your Mic...
Display the user's Xbox gamertag as their primary display and profile name. 10.13.6 Game products that use Xbox Live and offer multiplayer gameplay, user generated content or user communication: Must not allow gameplay until the user signs in to Xbox Live. ...
如果支持,对于跨平台(例如 Windows 和 Xbox Series X|S)使用相同 TitleID 的游戏: 在其他支持的平台上启动与步骤 1 相同的游戏,并且确认所有已保存游戏以及任何设置和/或配置文件可以正确访问和加载,并且它们没有任何针对共享内容的依赖关系。 预期结果 游戏存档进度必须与某一用户档案相关联,并且在用户登录到 Xbo...
(including without limitation gamertag, gamerscore, game history, usage data and friends list), with that non-Microsoft party as stated in the Microsoft Privacy Statement, and (b) if allowed by your Xbox privacy settings, the non-Microsoft party may also have access to Your Content from in-...
(including without limitation gamertag, gamerscore, game history, usage data and friends list), with that non-Microsoft party as stated in the Microsoft Privacy Statement, and (b) if allowed by your Xbox privacy settings, the non-Microsoft party may also have access to Your Content from in-...