通过家庭组管理活动报告。 尝试执行解决 Windows 10 家庭活动报告时遇到的问题中的疑难解答步骤,确保家庭功能设置正确且有最新的更新。 若要限制孩子的活动,可在Windows 10 和 Xbox 上设置内容限制。 请注意,你还可在Xbox 上创建子女帐户和添加家庭成员。
組織者的步驟: 在其行動裝置上開啟 Xbox Family Settings 應用程式。 選擇不知道其帳戶資訊的成員。 選取使用者玩家代號旁的 [資訊] 泡泡。 檢閱與其 Xbox 設定檔相關聯之 Microsoft 帳戶電子郵件下的資訊。 如需Xbox Family Settings 應用程式詳細資訊,請瀏覽: Xbox 家長監護應用程式這...
Open the Xbox Family Settings app on their mobile device. Choose the member whose account info isn't known. Select the Info bubble next to the user's gamertag. Review the info under Account email for the Microsoft account that's associated with their Xbox profile. For more info about the ...
Sign in with your account on the console. Press theXboxbutton on the controller to open the guide, then selectProfile & system>Settings>Account>Family settings > Manage family members. Enter a password or passkey to authorize the change. Select the account you want to...
Xbox 网络 你的帐户允许你访问 Xbox 网络和社区。 专属于你 通过可自定义的安全和隐私设置保持安全,并从帐户检查中获取个性化建议。 以你的方式提供安全性 选择最适合你的安全和隐私设置,并轻松地针对异常或可疑的帐户活动发出自动警报。 摆脱密码 通过可选的无密码登录增强账户安全。
* XSAPI: Suggested messaging "Sorry, you're currently prevented from playing with people on platforms other than the Xbox network." * If your account is managed by a parent or guardian, they can customize your Xbox privacy settings for your profile in Settings > Account > Family settings >...
Shop the hottest gaming deals with Xbox sales from the Microsoft Store. Browse the Xbox store deals for Game Pass, consoles, games, controllers, and accessories.
How to edit which Player a Xbox controller is? how to enable administrative shares How to enable fingerprint biometrics on a Windows 10 (v1709) PC on a domain? How to find out if a user installed a Store app? How to fix "you must ask an adult for permission to use Powershell" ?
Xbox360_Kinect_SaferFamilyGamingGuide.xps Xbox360_Kinect_SaferFamilyGamingGuide.pdf File Size: 460.4 KB 274.8 KB Guidance provided includes: Xbox 360 Setup Physical Safety ESRB Ratings Family Settings Family Timer Secret Pass code Online Safety Kinect Safety Features System Requirements Install Instruction...
It seems that I will have to either get a job in the Xbox® group at Microsoft, or start developing games on the side, so I decided to write a simple game for this column to illustrate some interesting programming concepts. As I looked around at some of my son's favor...