ይህ ለዊንዶውስ ፕላትፎርም የተሰራ የፒዲኤፍ መለወጫ መተግበሪያ ነው፣ እሱም ፒዲኤፍ ፋይሎችን ወደ Word ሰነዶች፣ ምስሎች
This is a simple extension that will convert Word documents to PDF files. The word to pdf conversion method uses the highest quality available so you will not lose quality in the conversion process.显示更多 无用户评价 排序方式 最近添加评论 尚无人评价此扩展。抢先添加评价。 详细信息版本1.3已更新...
這是一款為Windows平台開發的PDF轉換器應用,支持將PDF文件轉換為Word文檔、圖片,也支持將多個PDF文件合併為一個文件。此外,它還支持將 Word 文檔、Excel 工作表和 PPTX 演示文稿轉換為 PDF 格式。所有這些轉換操作都支持批處理,讓您輕鬆地一次轉換多個文件。所有轉換均
scansoft pdf converter是一款专业的pdf转word工具。软件功能强大,支持右键随时进行转换,并且支持office直接打开PDF文件。赶快下载体验吧! scansoft pdf converter介绍 PDF Converter是卖得最好的即时PDF转换为Microsoft Word 文档的工具,PDF Converter 2 包含强大的新功能以允许使用者快速转换协议、契约、信件等到Microsoft...
Free Download 100% secure Functions: WPS Office includes a word processor (Writer), a spreadsheet program (Spreadsheets), and a presentation program (Presentation). In addition, it also has a built-in PDF converter, which can convert files to and from PDF format. There is also a Template St...
免费PDF转换器是一个简约而又强大的PDF转换工具。免费PDF转换器的功能包含PDF 转 Word & PDF 转 Excel & PDF 转 Html & PDF 转 Txt 包含在. 另外还支持 Word 转 PDF, Excel 转 PDF,Text 转 PDF, Webpage 转 PDF, PNG 转 PDF, JEPG 转 PDF, Html 转 PDF。 另外如果你需要,
Free Download from Microsoft's official website If your computer is a newly purchased Windows computer, you don’t actually need to download Office specifically, because the computer comes with an Office suite from the factory, which contains theWordandExcelyou want. ...
Word Cloud by Textvis (獨立發行者) Word Online (Business) WordPress Workable (獨立發行者) Workday HCM Working days (獨立發行者) WorkMobile WorkPoint WorkSpan World Academia WorldTime (獨立發行者) Worldwide Bank Holidays (獨立發行者) WPForms by Reenhanced LLC WQRM Risk Forecast Services Writeson...
The Documents collection contains all the Document objects that are currently open in Microsoft Word. UseDocuments(index) where index is the document name or index number to return a single Document object. The index number represents the position of the document in the Documents collection....
2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS [Download] It is distributed under theApache 2.0license. Supported File Types The following file types can be converted: Word (.doc, .dot, .docx, .dotx, .docm, .dotm, .rtf, .wpd) ...