word :微软公司文字处理器软件( doc, docx) Microsoft Office Word是微软公司的一个文字处理器应用程序。Word给用户提供了用于创建专业而优雅的文档工具,帮助用户节省时间,并得到优雅美观的结果。一直以来,Microsoft Office Word 都是最流行的文字处理程序。作为 Office 套件的核心程序, Word 提供了许多易于使用的文档创...
Hanword HWP document converter for Microsoft Word is a tool which allows you to convert and open HWP files in Word as DOCX files.
這是一款為Windows平台開發的PDF轉換器應用,支持將PDF文件轉換為Word文檔、圖片,也支持將多個PDF文件合併為一個文件。此外,它還支持將 Word 文檔、Excel 工作表和 PPTX 演示文稿轉換為 PDF 格式。所有這些轉換操作都支持批處理,讓您輕鬆地一次轉換多個文件。所有轉換均
Disables all features introduced after a specified version of Microsoft Word in the document only. (Inherited from _Document) DocID Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document) DocumentInspectors Returns a DocumentInspectors collection that enables you to locate hidden personal information...
ይህ ለዊንዶውስ ፕላትፎርም የተሰራ የፒዲኤፍ መለወጫ መተግበሪያ ነው፣ እሱም ፒዲኤፍ ፋይሎችን ወደ Word ሰነዶች፣ ምስሎች
Hanword HWP document converter for Microsoft Word 2016 is a tool which allows you to convert and open HWP files in Word as DOCX files.
Get your Word documents converted to PDF file format instantly from online utility. Easily convert Word to PDF files. What does that mean? With this extension you can easily convert Word Documents which includes both doc & docx file formats to a PDF file. Converting WORD to PDF Documents is...
Operation ID: DocToPDF Convert library word document file to pdf format file Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription File Name File Name string file name File Content File Content Require public key publickey string public key Require API key apikey string This requires an API key ...
Supports all of the major Office document file formats including Word (DOCX, DOC), Excel (XLSX, XLS), PowerPoint (PPTX, PPT) and PDF files. For spreadsheets, all worksheets will be included. If you wish to exclude certain pages, worksheets, slides, etc. use the Split document API first,...
WPS Office includes a word processor (Writer), a spreadsheet program (Spreadsheets), and a presentation program (Presentation). In addition, it also has a built-in PDF converter, which can convert files to and from PDF format. There is also a Template Store where users can download various ...