WrapFormat物件的Type屬性搭配使用。 您可以檢視每個自動換行類型Advanced Layout] 對話方塊的 [Text Wrapping] 索引標籤上的外觀。 注意 [!注意事項]wdWrapSquare、wdWrapTight及wdWrapThrough基本上都以相同的方式運作。 wdWrapFront和wdWrapNone具有相同的效果,且其值為 3。 值 6 的效果與 3 相同。
TextWrappingTight toggleButton TextWrappingTopAndBottom toggleButton ThemeBrowseForThemes button ThemeColorsCreateNew button ThemeColorsGallery 画廊 ThemeEffectsGallery 画廊 ThemeFontsCreateNew button ThemeFontsGallery 画廊 ThemeResetFromTemplate button ThemeSaveCurrent button ThemesGallery 画廊 辞典 button Underline...
The best choice will depend on your needs, butSquareandTightwork in most cases. As such, these should be your default options. How to Control Text Wrapping Afteradding an imageto a document, you can adjust the text wrapping to make sure it fits with the surrounding text. To do this: Cl...
When you're done, select Close Header and Footer or press Esc. For more info on text wrap options and wrap points, see Text wrapping options. For more on headers and footers, see Headers and Footers in Word. Need more help? Want mor...
Emulate Word 97 Text Wrapping Around Floating Objects. This class is available in Office 2007 and above. When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is w:shapeLayoutLikeWW8.
TextWrappingValues 列挙型を定義します。 C# コピー public readonly struct TextWrappingValues : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IEnumValue, DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IEnumValueFactory<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.TextWrappingValues>, IEquatable<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.TextWrappingValues> 継承 Valu...
In Microsoft Word, there are several wrapping styles you can choose from, including: In line with text:This style wraps the text tightly around an object, so it flows alongside the text in the document. Square:This style wraps the text around an object, creating a rectangular shape that fit...
How to access the text wrapping options in Word When you insert a picture into a Word document, Word positions it at the insertion point; however, you have control over the picture’s position. The easiest way to change the picture’s position is to drag it. If you’re not familiar wit...
TightThis option wraps the text around the graphic in an irregular shape around the actual image. The graphic does not move as you add or delete text, but you can drag the graphic to reposition it. Behind textThis option inserts the graphic so that the graphic floats on its own layer beh...
Returns or sets the alternative text associated with a shape in a Web page. Anchor Returns a Range object that represents the anchoring range for the specified shape. AnchorID Application Returns a Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application. AutoShapeType Returns or sets ...