The single or double space between sentences argument has been an ongoing one for decades. Traditional, pre-digital typesetting required the use of double-spacing after periods and colons. This was largely due to the limitations of now-antiquated technology and was the standard style taught by mos...
Sentences コレクションの Add メソッドができません。 代わりに、 または InsertBefore(String) メソッドをInsertAfter(String)使用して、Range オブジェクトに文を追加します。プロパティ テーブルを展開する Application Application Microsoft Word アプリケーションを表す オブジェクトを返します...
Of course, then I'd want the macro to run automatically as I type, and that sounds hacky or impossible. It sounds like I'll just have to teach myself to single space between sentences. Anonymous March 17, 2006 A former colleague of mine sent some email last week thanking me for a ...
MsgBox Selection.Sentences.Count & " sentences are selected" 使用句子 (索引),其中索引是索引号,返回一个 Range 对象,该对象表示一个句子。 索引号代表句子的 句子 集合中的位置。 下面的示例设置活动文档中的第一个句子。VB 复制 With ActiveDocument.Sentences(1) .Bold = True .Font.Size = 24 End Wit...
使用Selection屬性來傳回Selection物件。 如果未搭配Selection屬性使用任何物件辨識符號,則 Microsoft Word 會傳回使用中文件視窗之使用中窗格內的選取範圍。 下列範例會複製使用中文件內的目前選取範圍。 VB Selection.Copy 下列範例會從Documents集合的第三個文件中刪除選取範圍。 文件不必是使用中,也可存取其目前的選取...
傳回代表 Microsoft Word 應用程式的 Application 物件。 語法 運算式。應用 需要expression。 代表 'Sentences' 集合的變數。 註解 Visual Basic 的 CreateObject 及GetObject 函數可讓您從 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 專案中存取 OLE Automation 物件。 另請參閱 Sentences 集合物件 支援和意見反應 有關於...
代表 'Sentences' 集合的變數。 註解 如果物件是在 Microsoft Word 中建立, Creator 屬性會傳回十六進位數位 4D535744,代表字串 「MSWD」。這個屬性主要是設計成用於 Macintosh,其中每個應用程式都有四個字元的建立者程式碼。 例如,Microsoft Word 會有建立者程式碼 MSWD。 如需此屬性的其他資訊,請參閱語言參照 ...
Tip 3: How to understand Microsoft Word Readability statistics Knowing what’s in the Microsoft Word Readability statistics is simple. Here are the scores you’ll find:word and character count the # of paragraphs and sentences average sentences per paragraph words per sentence characters per ...
Parent Returns an object that represents the parent object of the specified object. Top Public Methods 展开表 NameDescription GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator to support iterating through the collection. Top See Also Reference Sentences Interface Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace中文...
but navigating in longer documents can be difficult. Microsoft has created a mouse that makes it easier to navigate Office 97 (Windows) documents. The IntelliMouse™ has a wheel between the two main buttons. Use the wheel to scroll, pan more quickly, or even put Word 97 into a reading ...