Additional Shortcuts The shortcuts listed above are my favorites, but many more are listed here: Keyboard shortcuts in Word These shortcuts take a little bit of practice to get used to, but it’s well worth it when you consider how much time they save over time. ...
Use function key shortcuts Key Description F1 F1 alone: displays the Word help task pane. Shift+F1: displays or hides context-sensitive help or the Reveal Formatting task pane. Ctrl+F1: displays or hides the ribbon. Alt+F1: moves to the next field. Alt+Shift+F1: moves to the previou...
F1(单独使用):显示 Word 帮助 任务窗格。 Shift+F1:显示或隐藏上下文相关帮助或“显示格式设置”任务窗格。 Ctrl+F1:显示或隐藏功能区。 Alt+F1:移到下一个字段。 Alt+Shift+F1:移到上一个字段。 F2 F2(单独使用):移动所选文本或图形。 使用箭头键将光标放置在要移动文本或图形的位置,然后按“Enter”进行...
Microsoft Word 2003 keyboard shortcutsDetwiler, By Bill
Best advanced Microsoft Word shortcuts Here is a selection of the most widely used advanced shortcuts you’re going to love. How to assign new command and save as shortcut If you want to assign a new Microsoft Word shortcut, here is how you do it on a Windows PC or macOS. ...
Configure shortcuts Add shortcuts to files installed with Office 2010 or files that were already on the user's computer. You can configure shortcuts only when you first install Office on a user's computer. This option is ignored if you apply the Setup customization file to an existing instal...
仅Excel 和Word 中支持 KeyboardShortcuts 1.1 要求集。 * 键盘快捷方式功能当前正在向 web 上的Word推出。 如果此时在 web 上的 Word 中测试该功能,如果从加载项的任务窗格中激活快捷方式,这些快捷方式可能无法正常工作。 建议定期检查此页面,以了解何时完全支持此功能。Office...
This table shows the most frequently used shortcuts in Microsoft Word.Go to "Tell me what you want to do": Alt+QOpen: Ctrl+OSave: Ctrl+SClose: Ctrl+WCut: Ctrl+XCopy: Ctrl+CPaste: Ctrl+VSelect all: Ctrl+ABold: Ctrl+BItalic: Ctrl+IUnderline: Ctrl+UDecrease font size 1 point: ...
toolStripTextBox1.ShortcutsEnabled = false; toolStripTextBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 25); toolStripTextBox1.Text = "STRING1\r\nSTRING2\r\nSTRING3\r\nSTRING4"; toolStripTextBox1.TextBoxTextAlign = System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Center; // // Form1 // ClientSize...
For example, in Microsoft Word, you can save the current file by pressing three keys: Alt, F, and S. The Alt key selects the menu and causes keyboard shortcuts on the menu to be underlined. The F key opens theFile menu. The S key selects theSave command. Similarly, you can perfor...