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True 则Word 自动将第二个字母转换为小写单词的前两个字母都大写。 例如,将“WOrd”更正为“Word”。 Boolean 类型,可读写。语法expression。 CorrectInitialCaps表达 一个代表“自动更正”对象的变量。示例本示例设置 Word,使其自动更正首字母大写的错误。
Word 中的许多内置对话框都有你可能想要设置的选项。 若要设置或返回与 Word 对话框关联的属性,请使用等效的 Visual Basic 属性和方法。 例如,如果要打印文档,请使用 VBA PrintOut 方法。 The following code prints the current document using the Print dialog box default settings. 但是,如果不想在打印对话框...
指定Microsoft Word 度量修订气球宽度的方式。 WdRevisionsMarkup 表示文档中可见的标记范围的常量,由 返回并传递给 RevisionsFilter.MarkupProperty(Word) 属性。 WdRevisionsMode 指定Microsoft Word 是在边距中显示气球还是在文档正文内部显示气球。 WdRevisionsView 指定Word 是显示文档的原始版本还是显示应用了修订和...
雖然我們建議您使用 VBA 關鍵字來取得或設定對話方塊選項的值,不過許多內建 Word 對話方塊都具有一些引數,可讓您用來取得或設定對話方塊的值。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱顯示Word 內建對話方塊。展開表格 WdWordDialog 常數引數清單 wdDialogConnect 磁片磁碟機、 路徑、 密碼 wdDialogConsistencyChecker (無) wd...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 返回一个 32 位整数,它指示在其中创建指定的对象的应用程序。 C# publicintCreator {get; } 属性值 Int32 注解 如果对象是在 Microsoft Word 中创建的,则此属性返回十六进制数字 4D535744,表示字符串“MSWD”。 [!注释] 此值还可以通过...
When Preview pane is enabled word documents give error: Word could not create the work file. Check the temp environment variable When trying to change folder/library properties, file explorer closes When using Edge I get a "There is a problem with this website’s security certificate" error....
Microsoft Office Word The following security options are available: Allow trusted locations options Allow trusted locations that are NOT on user's computer Allow Trusted Locations on the User's machine only (application default) Disable all trusted locations. Only files signed by trusted publishers wil...
Insert text at the cursor and capitalize the first letter of each word. "Caps <text>" "Caps hello world" Insert text at the cursor without any white space before the text. For example, if you have added the text "Peyton" to a text box and then want to insert "Davis," but you do...
Use of apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, Access, and Publisher in Microsoft 365 Family, Microsoft 365 Personal, and any other Microsoft 365 app or subscription Service is governed by supplemental license terms located at together with these Terms....