如果指定为正 length 值,则letter-spacing属性会为元素内字符之间的默认间距增加指定的值。如果 length 值为负,则会减小字符之间的间距。对齐方式可能会影响字母间距。 示例 以下示例使用letter-spacing属性来更改字母之间的间距。此示例使用blockquote元素作为选择器,为网页上的所有blockquote元素对象将间距更改为 -0.2 ...
Inter-word and inter-letter: both inter-word and inter-letter spacing can be expanded or reduced. This strategy isn't applicable for scripts that use baseline connectors (for example, Devanagari script) or fixed-width characters (for example, CJK ideographs). Connected glyphs shouldn't be separa...
spacing' 'caption-side' 'empty-cells' 'table-layout' 'color' 'direction' 'letter-spacing' 'line-height' 'text-align' 'text-decoration' 'text-indent' 'text-transform' 'unicode-bidi' 'vertical-align' 'white-space' 'word-spacing' 'hanging-punctuation' 'punctuation-trim' 'text-align-last' ...
2.1.648 Section 15.4.22, Letter Spacing 2.1.649 Section 15.4.23, Language 2.1.650 Section 15.4.24, Country 2.1.651 Section 15.4.25, Font Style 2.1.652 Section 15.4.26, Font Relief 2.1.653 Section 15.4.27, Text Shadow 2.1.654 Section 15.4.28, Underlining Type 2.1.655 Section 15.4.2...
WdLetterStyle Specifies the layout of a letter created by the Letter Wizard. WdLigatures Specifies the type of ligatures applied to a font. WdLineEndingType Specifies how Microsoft Word marks the line and paragraph breaks in documents saved as text files. WdLineSpacing Specifies a line spac...
background-color text-align vertical-align letter-spacing line-height white-space display border border-color border-style border-width src size marks page-break-before page-break-after page-break-inside list-style list-style-type unicode-bidi border-collapse CORE...
How to Force Single Spacing in Microsoft Word for a Mac. The default spacing in Microsoft Word for Mac 2011 is set to120 percent of the default font size. However, you can configure Word for Mac to set single spacing as the default for text in the curren
1. Font color (RGB and HEX) 2. Background color (RGB and HEX) 3. Font family (including actually rendered font!) 4. Font size 5. Line height, vertical alignment, letter, and word spacing 6. Font weight, style, variant 7. Text transform, decoration, align and indent 8. Element's ...
当您开始在形状或文本框中键入句子时,如果您插入空格、回车、句号或分号,Microsoft Office Visio 会自动将句子(或行)中第一个单词的首字母大写。 原因 如果选中 "将句首字母大写" 复选框作为自动更正功能,则会出现此行为。 自动更正是 Visio 中的一种自动更正和格式功能,可在你键入时执行某些功能。例如,如果...
Word automatically capitalizes the letter "i" in the following situations: When it is placed before a comma When it is placed before a blank space When it is placed before a single quotation mark For example, "i've" is changed to "I've." ...