Microsoft Word features numerous keyboard shortcuts to help you manage your time more effectively when doing common tasks. Here you will find a list of the most common and useful. Shortcuts using the CTRL key Other keyboard shortcuts
Additional ShortcutsThe shortcuts listed above are my favorites, but many more are listed here:Keyboard shortcuts in Word These shortcuts take a little bit of practice to get used to, but it’s well worth it when you consider how much time they save over time....
Using an external keyboard with keyboard shortcuts in Word may help you work more efficiently. For people with mobility or vision disabilities, keyboard shortcuts can be easier than using a touchscreen, and are a helpful alternative to using a mouse. Notes: The shortcuts in this topic ...
You can avoid reaching for the mouse if you are familiar with keyboard shortcuts.If you forget one of these, use the mouse and go to the menu bar. In each pull down menu you will see keyboard commands given in the right side of the window. ...
Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Office Word Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Office Word - Word - Microsoft OfficeThe, U S ETo, KeyboardSections, ExpandArticle, Print This
F1(单独使用):显示 Word 帮助 任务窗格。 Shift+F1:显示或隐藏上下文相关帮助或“显示格式设置”任务窗格。 Ctrl+F1:显示或隐藏功能区。 Alt+F1:移到下一个字段。 Alt+Shift+F1:移到上一个字段。 F2 F2(单独使用):移动所选文本或图形。 使用箭头键将光标放置在要移动文本或图形的位置,然后按“Enter”进行...
Using an external keyboard with keyboard shortcuts in Word may help you work more efficiently. For people with mobility or vision disabilities, keyboard shortcuts can be easier than using a touchscreen, and are a helpful alternative to using a mouse. Notes: The shortcuts in this topic ...
Applies To: Word 2016, Word 2013.This article shows all keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word 2016. The shortcuts in this article refer to the U.S. keyboard layout. Keys for other layouts might not correspond exactly to the keys on a U.S. keyboard.Note...
Before looking at how to actually change a keyboard shortcut, let's open the appropriate window: Creating 'Hotkeys' The Customize Keyboard window is how you can control the hotkeys used inMicrosoft Word(or whatever other program you've opened). Choose an option from theCategories:section and...
The keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word can be useful when proofreading, giving you quick access to common commands. But what about when a command you need doesn’t have a shortcut? The solution is to create a custom keyboard shortcut or two. For example, rather than switching between All...