Insert a table of figures Click in your document where you want to insert the table of figures. SelectReferences>Insert Table of Figures. Note:If your Word document is not maximized, theInsert Table of Figuresoption might not be visible. Some minimized views show only theInsert Table of Figur...
插入图表目录 可以通过创建图表表(非常类似于目录)列出和组织 Word 文档中的图形、图片或表格。 首先向图表添加标题,然后使用“引用”选项卡上的“插入图表表”命令。 Word 然后搜索文档中的标题,并自动添加按页码排序的图表列表。 开始之前 在创建图表表之前,需要向要包含在图表表...
wdDialogEditAutoText Name、 Context、 InsertAs、 Insert、 Add、 Define、 InsertAsText、 Delete、 CompleteAT wdDialogEditCreatePublisher (有关该常量的信息,请参阅包含在 Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition 中的语言参考帮助。) wdDialogEditFind Find、 Replace、 Direction、 MatchCase、 WholeWord、 Pattern...
表达 一个代表“TableOfFigures”集合的变量。备注该属性对应于 TOC 域的 \c 开关。示例本示例插入一个表格题注,然后将第一个图表目录的题注改为“表格”。VB 复制 Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart Selection.Range.InsertCaption "Table" If ActiveDocument.TablesOfFigures.Count >= 1 Then ...
返回一个 TableOfFigures 对象,该对象代表添加到文档中的图表目录。语法表达式。添加 (Range、 Caption、 IncludeLabel、 UseHeadingStyles、 UpperHeadingLevel、 LowerHeadingLevel、 UseFields、 TableID、 RightAlignPageNumbers、 IncludePageNumbers、 AddedStyles、 UseHyperlinks、 HidePageNumbersInWeb) ...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 对象的集合TableOfFigures,这些对象表示文档中的图表表。 C# [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Guid("00020922-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")]publicinterfaceTablesOfFigures:System.Collections.IEnumerable ...
TableOfFiguresInsert button TableOfFiguresUpdate button TableOptionsDialog button TablePaintBorder toggleButton TablePropertiesDialog 控件 TableRepeatHeaderRows toggleButton TableRowHeight 控件 TableRowsDelete button TableRowsDistribute button TableRowSelect button TableRowsInsertAboveWord button TableRowsInsertBelowWo...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll Returns or sets a one-letter identifier that's used to build a table of figures from TOC fields. C# publicstringTableID {get;set; } Property Value String Remarks TheTableIDproperty corresponds to the \f switch for a TOC field. For examp...
How to add Captions in Microsoft Word Step 02: Insert list of tables and figures After you add a few captions to tables or figures in your document, you generate a list of those objects. To generate a list of tables and figures or any other objects; ...
I just inserted table for Tables and table of Figures in the document. This reveled that some table got multiple captions!! I Just deleted them and recreated their caption and everything started working just fine.Regarding textbox, I got this Word template from my professor. This...