Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Controls.PictureBox 有其他一些成员,通过这些成员可将其添加到 Word 文档,而且这些成员为其提供了额外的方法和属性。不要使用构造函数来创建新的 PictureBox。 使用 AddPictureBox() 方法可将新的 PictureBox 添加到文档中。
您可以從 Visual Studio IDE 中的 [工具箱] 新增 PictureBox 和複選框。開啟Visual Studio。 您的圖片檢視專案會出現在 開啟最近的。 在Windows Forms 設計工具中,選取您在上一個教學課程中新增的 TableLayoutPanel。檢查 tableLayoutPanel1 是否出現在 [屬性] 視窗中。 在Visual Studio IDE 的左側,選取 [工具箱...
Make sure that the image format is supported. Word supports a variety of image formats, but not all of them. If you are trying to insert an image that is not supported, you will get an error message. You can find a list of supported image formats in the Word help documentation. Trustp...
Adjusting an image in Microsoft Word You aren’t stuck with the image size as it is inserted. When you click an image in a Word document, a box with circles along the line appears. The circles at the top and bottom will make the image vertically taller or shorter. The ones on the le...
本文介绍如何将数据库中存储的图像直接复制到 Windows 窗体上的 PictureBox 控件中,而无需将图像保存到文件中。
Click in the form template where you want to insert clip art. On theInsertmenu, point toPicture, and then clickClip Art. In theSearch forbox in theClip Arttask pane, type a word or phrase that describes the clip you want, or type in all or some of the file name of the clip, and...
Selecting the “Chart” option will open the “Insert Chart” dialogue box. Select a category on the left-hand side, click the chart you want to use, then choose “OK." The chart will be inserted. Related:How to Create a Flowchart in Word ...
Text 取得或設定 PictureBox 的文字。 Top 取得或設定控制項上邊緣和其容器工作區 (Client Area) 上邊緣之間的距離 (單位為像素)。 (繼承來源 Control) TopLevelControl 取得沒有其他 Windows Form 父控制項的父控制項。 通常,這會是內含控制項最外層的 Form。 (繼承來源 Control) UseWaitCursor 取得或...
RichTextBoxScrollBars RichTextBoxSelectionAttribute RichTextBoxSelectionTypes RichTextBoxStreamType RichTextBoxWordPunctuations RightToLeft RowStyle SaveFileDialog Screen ScreenOrientation ScrollableControl ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdges ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdgesConverter ScrollBar ScrollBarRenderer ScrollBars Scr...
To insert the border into your Word project, click on Insert > Pictures > Picture from file….Locate the border file you want to use, then click Insert.The border has now been added to the page.With the border image selected, use any of the buttons on the Picture Format ribbon to ...