Word for Microsoft 365Outlook for Microsoft 365Word 2024Outlook 2024Word 2021Outlook 2021Word 2019Outlook 2019Word 2016Outlook 2016Office for businessMicrosoft Office You can add captions to figures, equations, or other objects. A caption is a numbered label, such as "Figure 1", that...
Word Click the picture you want to add a caption to. ClickReferences>Insert Caption. To use the default label (Figure), type your caption in theCaptionbox. Tip:You can also create your own default caption label by clickingNew Label, and then adding your caption in theLabelbox. Word automat...
可选对象。 标识要包括在图表目录中的项目的标签。 对应于目录 (TOC) 域中的 \c 开关。 默认值为"Figure"。 IncludeLabel Object 可选对象。True在图表目录中包含题注标签和题注编号。 默认值为True。 UseHeadingStyles Object 可选对象。则使用内置标题样式创建图表目录。 默认值为False。
使用Microsoft Word、PowerPoint、Excel 和 OneNote 的在线版本免费进行协作。在 OneDrive 中在线保存文档、工作簿和演示文稿。与他人共享和同时协同工作。
Figure 10. 重複重複后包含子控件的區段內容控制件在XML 對應的控制項週圍的重複區段內容控制項針對重複區段中包含的 XML 對應,Word 2013 會對應它們,如下所示。如果對應未與節點集合中的專案交集作為其父鏈結的一部分,系結就是「絕對系結」,而且會在所有重複的區段項目中顯示相同的內容。
On theReferencestab, in theCaptionsgroup, clickInsert Caption. In theLabellist, select the label that best describes the object, such as a figure or equation. If the list doesn't provide the label you want, clickNew Label, type the new label in theLabelbox, and then clickOK....
In a recent tutorial, we used Word’s caption tool toinsert table titles and figure captions. One of the main benefits of using this tool is that Word will automatically number newtablesandfiguresas you add titles and captions (e.g., Table 1, Table 2, Table 3). However, Word won’t...
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I have almost spent 2 days trying to figure out how it works. Thanks Heaps. Reply Lionking says: 2016-11-13 at 4:05 pm When i create a table of contents using word,i use calibre. to convert it to epub the table of contents levels have all been underline how do i keep it from...
Thankfully, Microsoft Word makes this process very easy and straightforward. Here’s how to get it done in some easy steps. How to Insert a List of Tables and Figures in Microsoft Word Before adding a list of tables and figures, you have toadd a caption to each figure and tablein your...